Video Case Study
By Rula Subeih
1. What led UPS to pursue an integrated marketing communications approach? What was the promotional objective as it repositioned itself in the "synchronized commerce" market space?
UPS agencies tread the strategies to spread by a variety of communication, advertising, public relation, personal selling, and sales promotion. UPS syndicates all these factors to provide easiness, stability, and maximum communication influence. UPS objective to led the consumers' needs by aware the consumers aware, of their ability, and let them know the UPS more than only small package delivery. That imposed the UPS to change their image and developing their resources through IMC approach. Also, they created a new channel
of communication to reach diverse types of consumers. What was the promotional objective as it repositioned itself in the "synchronized commerce" market space created the way to make their business attractive more than any other companies in the market. The channel of communication helps them to spread from small package delivery to all new services they offered now. Some examples offered by UPS tracking shipments, transportation services, order pickups, which that meets all consumers and small business needs.
2. Why was it logical for UPS to have four different marketing approaches?
Using four different marketing approaches considered the most logical method, because diversity of service offered meet different consumers segments . By producing personalized communication for each consumer segment, by meeting specific needs. Also adding the common thread of the color brown, they showed the “synchronized commerce” concept.
3. How important is a brand recall rate of 97% to 98% for UPS? What challenges does such a brand recall rate present to competitors?
A brand recall rate is important for UPS because it is the evidence of the success of their company, the recall rate indicate the service credit in the market. In addition, the recall rate indicate consumer trust, consumers only think of UPS when see brown and yellow. The consumers prefer to deal with UPS services, such as, post-delivery, shipping, small and large business services.
The challenges are the diversity of UPS services and facilitates provided to the consumers such as:
Most pick up locations
Most stores across the board
Access to all areas
Loyalty to the UPS consumers and expected consumers