Quantitative Article Analysis Worksheet
Analyze and critique a quantitative nursing research article from a nursing research journal published within the past five years. Include 3 scholarly references—the article, the text, and one outside source. Use the Guidelines for Quantitative Nursing Research Critique to complete the following steps:
1. State the purpose of the study and identify the problem.
Patients in the intensive care unit (ICU) often require enteral feeding due to their inability to consume nutrition naturally. Nutrition in the critically ill patient remains a controversial topic. Most clinicians have viewed nutrition as part of patient care but not as a therapeutic intervention (Fermont & Rice, 2014). The usual questions are when to start feeding and how much should be fed. This study attempts to identify the barriers to enteral feeding, adequacy of nutrition, and prevalence of under-feeding in relationship to caloric intake and meeting needs of nutritional guidelines.
2. Analyze the literature review.
Previous research literature on the subject of enteral feeding points out that most patients in the ICU do not receive adequate caloric intake, therefore, are often underfed rather than overfed. Some of the reasons for underfeeding are barriers based on patient diagnosis and elective discontinuation or delay in feeding. Previous studies also show that the best markers for assessing nutritional status include physical and laboratory values such as prealbumin levels and transferrin. These lab results were also taken into consideration for this study (Kim, Shin, Cho, & Shin, 2010).
3. Analyze the study framework or theoretical perspective.
This quantitative study does not use a particular framework or nursing theory to guide the researchers.
4. Identify, describe, and critique for appropriateness any research objectives, questions, or hypothesis.
The objective of the study was to find the prevalence of