Kerra Finnie
English III
2 March 2012
Nurse Anesthetist
Since 2010 there has been a high demand for Nurse Anesthetist in the United States. A career with a high salary is appealing. With the challenges and hard work of a nurse anesthetist, one must understand the steps and dedication of a person of this type of medical role.
To become a Nurse Anesthetist the general requirements are to have an RN license and a bachelor of science degree, either in nursing or an appropriate science. After getting an RN license, one year of work in critical care conditions has to be completed. When the year is over, an application is sent to a program, the application will then be compared to other applicants. More than one year working as an RN will higher the chance of the application to get in because experience in this field of nursing is important.
When an applicant is accepted into a Nurse Anesthetist program they are required to attend an admissions interview. No foods or drinks should be brought to this interview, attendants will want to look formal and successful with their wardrobe. These schools are demanding and life changing. They also cause a ton of stress. Most programs last 24-33 months (Andrus 1a). In order to graduate a program a B grade point average must be maintained. After taking all steps a total of 6 years is the amount of time spent in college. You must be willing to dedicate a huge chunk of your life to your education – the information and data you learn will be
Finnie 2 voliminous; the many hands-on skills require practice, practice, and tenacity (Freemark 2a). The extra time in college gives a greater knowledge of the anatomy.
As a nurse anesthetist there are many choices in the medical field to choose from. Nurse Anesthetist do not possess complex technical capabilities of the doctors they assist, but they provide a wide range of services to support the doctors (McNutt 1). Interviews, reviewing charts, learning physical