January 17, 2014
Plan for Becoming a Nurse Manager
Long Term Goal
As a practicing Registered Nurse (RN), I like many others, aspire to continue my education and career path. I am not satisfied standing still, so to speak, but instead prefer to advance my knowledge and education in order to serve my patients more effectively. My long term goal for my future in nursing is to become a nurse manager. This role has many advantages and challenges but most of all it allows for professional and personal growth.
Short Term Goal In order to achieve this goal, one must establish short term goals to allow progression to the final/long term goal. The short term goal I have set for myself is to earn …show more content…
The starting salaries for this position are in the range of $75,000-$90,000 per year depending on years of experience. The are many pros and cons to this position but here are just a few: Pros - being able to work with staff and watching their growth under your guidance and leadership. Leading new projects that are successful in improving patient care. Cons - this position comes with a high stress level, being held accountable for others actions that are subordinate to your position. In this position, there is less patient contact and that can be make the person feel out of touch with every day operations of the unit. The potential liability is not holding staff accountable for high risk situations that affect their peers and patient outcomes in a positive manor. The organization that I am privileged to work for gives all of the nursing staff the opportunities to grow, most of the current managers started at the facility as staff nurses and advanced to the management level. This organization support the further education and advancement of its employees (M. Holland, personal communication, January 15, …show more content…
I do not do any school work during that day. This plan allows me to focus more effectively on the day I devote to studying, reading , researching and writing the papers.
Time Management Time management is an important part of a successful school experience. Most of the people, like myself that are taking this class, have full-time jobs. I have a full-time and a part-time position as well as children, a husband and household to run. I keep everything written on a calendar and make the most of all the time I have for each day.
Stress Reduction Plan The plan I implemented for reducing my stress level is to first, not look at that big picture, but to take each day/task one at a time. It seems that if a person can take little steps and progress each day, before the person realizes it, the goal toward the bigger picture has been reached. The days off that I have, I use them knitting, going to or watching movies and relaxing at home. I enjoy spending time with my family and in the summer swimming in the pool and going out on the boat. If I do start to feel overwhelmed, I simply take a deep breath and focus on the first task I want to