Nursing diagnosis
Nursing objective
Nursing intervention
Subjective Cues: “Nahihirapa n akong umihi,, madalas sya pero pakonti konti lang » as verbalized by the client. Objective Cues: Distended abdomen Frequency Hesitancy T-38.3 P-105Bpm R-24 bpm BP-130/90 mmHg
Impaired Urinary Elimination r/t Inflammatio n of bladder mucosa As evidence by the objective cues. __________ _ Scientific Explanation : Disturbance in urine elimination.
After 8 hrs of nursing interventio n the client will be able to portray and verbalize improve urinary elimination pattern.
Plan of care to meet the desired outcome for the client. Make a teaching plan appropriate for the clients condition.
.Determine clients previous pattern of elimination and compare with current situation. Note reports of frequency, urgency, burning, incontinence, nocturia, enuresis. Palpate bladder Determine clients usual daily fluid intake(both amount, beverage choice and use of caffeine), note conditions of skin, mucus membrane and color of urine. Encourage fluid intake up to 3000- 4000 ml per day including cranberry juice. Instruct the client to void every 2-3 hours during the day and completely empty the bladder.
To assess degree of interference or disability. To assess retention To determine level of hydration. To help maintain renal function, prevent infection and formation of urinary stones This prevents over distention of the bladder and compromised blood supply to the bladder wall.
• Evaluation • After 8 hrs of nursing intervention the client was able to portray and verbalize improved urinary elimination pattern.
C u e s
Nur sing diag nosi s
Nu rsi ng obj ect ive
Pla nni ng
Nursing intervention
E v al u a ti o n
Instruct the client to keep the perineal area clean and dry. Teach the client how to do kegel exercise and its importance. Teach clients to avoid intake of caffeine, alcohol, colas, and