My case study done at ward 3(female ward), Hospital T and the title is bronchopneumonia, I choose this title because that is often occur at the ward.
Patient L is a 14 years old Chinese girls and she came to hospital complaint of cough with greenish sputum as long as 2 weeks, she had fever at home and complaint of chest pain. She came from A&E admitted at ward 3 at 30/4/2012 (Monday), 3.35pm accompanied with PPK. She admitted at the ward 3 as long as 5 days and she discharge at 4/5/2012 (Friday), 10.20am.
Patient L was diagnosed as bronchopneumonia. Bronchopneumonia also known as bronchial pneumonia and catarrhal pneumonia and it is an acute inflammation of the lungs and bronchioles. It is characterized by chills, fever, high pulse and respiratory rates, bronchial breathing, cough with purulent bloody sputum, severe chest pain, and abdominal distension. This disease always occur at immunocompromised host like child and elderly.
The disease is usually a result of the spread of infection from the upper to the lower respiratory tract and it’s pattern has been associated with hospital-acquired pneumonia, and with specific organisms such as Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella, E. coli, and Pseudomonas.
Ways can get pneumonia include: * Bacteria and viruses living in nose, sinuses, or mouth may spread to lungs. * May breathe some of these germs(bacteria, viruses, fungi) directly into lungs. * Breathe in (inhale) food, liquids, vomit, or fluids from the mouth into lungs (aspiration pneumonia)
Background of patient
Name: Miss L
Gender: Female
Age: 14 years old
Date of birth: 16/2/1998
Status: Single
Race: Chinese
Religion: Buddha
Allergic: NIL
Admitted date/time: 30/4/2012(Monday)/3.35pm
MRN: 12345
Ward/bed no.: 3/18
Diagnosis: Bronchopneumonia Further history: NIL
Admission condition: complaint cough as long as 2 weeks, fever, chest pain and cough out greenish color of sputum.Bp 114/73 , PR 110,
References: books * Community-Acquired Pneumonia, By Thomas J. Marrie, page 102 * Handbook Of Medical-surgical Nursing, By Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, page 708 internet * * Thank You!