So far I have found a nice template to use in organizing my visuals and information in an appealing way for the audience within the infographic. As I use the piktochart website, I am trying to practice learning how to use the tools on the webpage and how to organize what I want to discuss on what is my discourse community, what values and goals they have and how they incorporate these goals within the communication they apply to their staff and medical field to allow my audience to understand more about the nursing community. What I need to work on is constructing the info-graphic altogether, I have all the information, but I need to create the page and find visuals. I am focusing on the booklet and webpage as that will require more information, time and
So far I have found a nice template to use in organizing my visuals and information in an appealing way for the audience within the infographic. As I use the piktochart website, I am trying to practice learning how to use the tools on the webpage and how to organize what I want to discuss on what is my discourse community, what values and goals they have and how they incorporate these goals within the communication they apply to their staff and medical field to allow my audience to understand more about the nursing community. What I need to work on is constructing the info-graphic altogether, I have all the information, but I need to create the page and find visuals. I am focusing on the booklet and webpage as that will require more information, time and