Storey et al (2005) reported a rising number of young people presenting to Accident and Emergency (A&E) departments. They recruited 74 young people following such presentation though it is not specified how data was gathered from these young people. As participants were referred to as ‘interviewees’ toward the end of the report it can be presumed that interviews were undertaken, though whether these interviews were structured, semi-structured etc is not stated. The study disregarded 16 young people because they did not have a previous history of self-harm prior to the presentation at A&E and a further 20 were disregarded as their first episodes of self-harm occurred after the age of 16. The study aimed to explore the link between self-harm and social support, particularly in relation to family support. The study highlights the negative treatment of young people in ‘treatment’ services, stating that young people feel there is a lack of continuity of services and that they are not
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