Nursing diagnosis is a medical concept that is becoming a commonly applied approach in the aspect of healthcare and medical service. This aspect mainly focuses on the presumptive and initial health and medical analysis conducted by the nursing class of healthcare serving as an overview basis and diagnosis for the following treatment and medical application. Aiding as a primary health analysis, nursing diagnosis actually becomes the springboard for further treatment and observation by giving the healthcare nursing a professional idea about the condition and the needed healthcare service of the patient. Thus, this healthcare concept can be considered as a synonymous to the concept of applying first aid only on a broader and more concise aspect. (Carpenito-Moyet 2007) The concept of nursing diagnosis mainly originates from the principle of maximizing the efficiency of healthcare service especially on institutions providing one. In this aspect, the service of medical personnel mainly the physicians and the doctors can actually be efficiently maximizing by distributing tasks that are dispensable on their level by utilizing other healthcare personnel for diagnosis and initial treatment aspects. On this account, other professional healthcare service has been seek primarily the nursing department wherein they have been titled for the duty of initial diagnosis and treatment thus giving the medical practitioners an overview of the healthcare conditions of the patients. In turn, medical diagnosis has been effectively focused on conditions specifically in need of their specialty. Thus, the establishment of nursing diagnosis has significantly maximized the healthcare capacity of the general area of service by effectively dividing and efficiently classifying the healthcare conditions of sum of their patients. (Carpenito-Moyet 2007) The structure of nursing diagnosis is mainly classified in five general aspect mainly based on the nature and the intensity
References: Carpenito-Moyet, Lynda Juall (2007). Nursing Diagnosis: Application to Clinical Practice. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. 11th Edition.