My insight into the need of the nursing profession today is an increased need for advanced practice nurses. With the aging population in the United States of America, there is a growing need for health professional that cater to the adult and aging population. Also, the cost of doctors' visit deters individuals from seeing a health care provider for preventative and health promotion visits. My educational goal is to get a Masters of in Nursing with an Adult Nurse Practitioner Specialty track. A Master in Nursing at Azusa Pacific University would provide an opportunity to use the nursing process with greater autonomy, authority, and leadership in my practice. After completion of the program I intend to work with greater independence in decision making, accountability and a focus on health promotion and disease prevention. I will also possess the expertise in collecting, analyzing and labeling health problems in a collaborative health care environment.
I have since read about other nursing theorists and their works during my undergraduate nursing education at Seneca College, York and Loma Linda Universities. I still maintain my curiosity from childhood and if given the opportunity to attend Azusa Pacific University, I will bring a curiosity and willingness to learn new things that would improve my nursing career. which I