Computerized management systems or electronic medical records can work to increase the quality of care in several ways. One way being that because medical record data is all computerized, there is a significant improvement in the legibility and translation of the health information therefore resulting in fewer errors and miscommunications. Other benefits to an electronic medical record is that it aids in increasing accuracy, timeliness, and efficiency overall. Computerizing medical records is a safer and more convenient way to store, review, track, and analyze data on any given patient versus paper charting. It also cuts down on loss, cost and clutter. Therefore, because of all of these associated benefits, the patient should receive more in personal, individualized, and an improved quality of care. Active Nursing Involvement
Active nursing involvement in the choice, planning, and implementation of the computerized management systems is very important. Nurses are involved in the front line of patient care. They are a patient’s voice and advocate. Nurses are there to ensure that all the patient’s needs are met. They are a liaison between the patient and all other disciplines. They are also the ones that will, in all likelihood, be using the computerized medical record the most in regards to providing direct care to the patient. It is for these reasons, the nurse’s voice should be heard and recognized when it comes to implementing a computerized system in healthcare. Everything the nurse does, needs to be carried out and then documented in some form or fashion so by providing input on how and where this data will be integrated into the system will help ensure an easier and more successful transition to computerized medical records. Nursing also needs to be involved to provide feedback on how the system is affecting the quality of care, as they are the ones that are most likely to see these effects and