(foundation year). Health studies helped me …show more content…
These skills will help me through my nursing career as they are some of the most important skills needed; communication takes an immense lead in nursing as communication will be required to communicate with the patients; I am also multilingual which can help to interconnect with patients better. I have previously also done A-Level Psychology.
Psychology helped me understand the scientific study of a human mind, body and its functions mainly how it affects the characteristic or attitude of a person or a group. Psychology allowed me to look at how the human mind works and reacts when exposed to a variety of stimuli especially how pain can be controlled by other factors other than drugs. At 6th form, I was a part of the 6th form leadership team; where I was involved in a selection of organisation like
Unity Cup giving me a chance to work in a team to help the school become a better place for studying; this improved my communication skills and self-confidence. I volunteered for many events and stayed committed to the tasks presented to me. I have previously worked as a