I was so excited to register at Highline after so many tries to attend school the first day was nerve-wracking. Going back to school after a decade feeling like I was long overdue. I started to count when I will finish, and how old I will be when I graduate. But I told myself this is like stepping in cold water first, it’s is scary but once I start swimming I won’t feel cold.
The first day, second day and then the quarter ended, on my first quarter transcript I got straight A’s, I sent my transcripts to my parents, I felt lien a teenager. My confidence started to be built up. I learned a lot about myself, and I am apparently competitive and stood up for other rights. …show more content…
I knew I was on the right track, and my journey to my life career has started.
My aspiration comes from my aunt Haddas, who was a nurse back in Ethiopia.
She is the only one from my whole extended family that is a nurse. I have always admired her strength when there was death or illness in the family, she was on call, and everyone relied on her. Her courage moved me. even when it was someone close to her she stepped up she was in control, I used to say I want to be like her, I want more women like her in our family.
When I took my certified nursing assistant course, I was placed for my internships at Residential habilitation center at fir crest. It was a total care setting, disabled patients whose life depended on their caretakers. I was touched, inspired, and I knew I was at the right place. Assisting the CNAs was the best part, as I learned how companionate human beings …show more content…
How the University of Washington comes to fit my goal is that it is very diverse, and thrives in excellence and has won the award of excellence, takes pride in accommodating everyone. After looking at the student organizations, there are so many departments I want to be involved in, for example, the diversity and culture, recognizing student parents and much more. Cultural diversity is so important, and it has played a major role in my life, it has shaped me in so many ways.
I grew up with Somali refugees in Ethiopia. My mother would let us be part of that community, she rented
My personal journey started before I was old enough to know what life is.
When I was ten years old, we had a government change back in Ethiopia. My father was a part of the old regime, he had detained me and my sister lost 11 years of our father. It altered our way of living. As an older sister, I had to grow up at 10, my mother is the strongest woman I know. She managed to sustain 3 girls by herself and we all survived. As soon as I graduated from high school, I had to work and help my sisters. After all this time my dad finally came home. I wanted to continue my education, so I found a friend that can sponsor me to go to India and study
But as soon as I got there, I was told my sister got accepted at converse South Carolina and she needed help. I quit what I was doing for her, and looked for a job. I was hired by Qatar Airways, which is a Middle Eastern airline, as a flight attendant. It was a great opportunity for me and my family, I could help everyone. It took me six years to have my parents and my sisters settle their lives. Above all, I gained experience from meeting thousands of people from all around the world. I also had a chance to be a supervisor, and I grew up tremendously as a person.
In 2012, I decided to resign and start my own life. I went back home, and I couldn’t stop looking at the people and their lives. There were so many discriminations among the rich and the poor. The world was so unfair to those people in poverty. So, I decided to advocate and bring issues to the light. However, the government did not like it. I was abused and chased by the government, which caused me lost a baby in the process and I fled my country.
I came here and was granted asylum, in Washington Dc. I tried to sustain there, but finally, we had to move to Vegas. I also had registered for school in Las Vegas. We came here 2 years ago. We had 3 children in all the 3 states and finally decide to stay here. I think Washington is the perfect state for our kids.
Going to university means my dad will see his first born graduate. My dream that is long overdue will finally come true, my trials in life will not have been in vain, I have also known my life’s purpose is to serve and give back to others. After all being blessed is not just to keep but to give back.