E. Joseph’s heart attack has caused the function of his cells to change. What types of proteins in the cell membrane were involved in the homeostatic imbalances of his heart cells?…
Nurses need to understand and utilize the theoretical perspective to assess and achieve goals for families throughout their practice. By having a greater understanding of these theories, nurses can promote healthy habits and relations for all families. It also, help the nurse to recognize that family plays a huge role in the well-being of the patients since “family members are the first influence on a person's view of health” (Grand Canyon Univeristy, 2015); therefore, they need to be part of our nursing plan in order to better achieve the health care needs of our patients.…
There are several changes occurring in the nation’s healthcare organization due to the constant increasing demands in our nation. There are over three million members in the nursing profession and with that being said, nursing is the greatest component in our nation’s health care workforce. Nurses play an extremely crucial part in patient care because they have the most direct contact with patients. In order to effectively respond to the expeditiously modifying health care settings in the advancing health care organization, nurses…
Open systems can be used to understand technology and those individuals associated with its use. This type of system takes input from the environment, processes it, and then returns it back to the environment as output, which serves as feedback. This theory can better help the individual understand the way people work with systems in the health care industry and allow for a visualization of the whole…
The impact of the Institute of Medicine report on nursing education suggests the nursing profession should have a more advanced education system providing limitless opportunities for growth. The future of nursing providing care to the entire realm of health care, especially primary care and community settings, will be determined by the evolution of a new educational system. The IOM report states that sixty percent of hospital employed nurses will be impacted by the Affordable Care Act because of the transition of patients to primary and community health care. (National Research Council, 2011) Tension in the current educational system has been steadily increasing due to the newly required nursing skills in many specialty areas. That being said, the new educational structure will have to be expanded immensely. The IOM report suggests increasing the number of baccalaureate nurses from fifty to eighty percent by the year 2020. (National Research Council, 2011, p. 12) The report also suggests doubling the current number of nurses with a doctorate degree. Reaching these goals along with overcoming many other educational obstacles will require many changes and modifications to the current system. Increasing the use of technology to educate nurses through on-line programs is one necessary effective strategy. This…
The United States has the opportunity to transform its health care system, and nurses can and should play a fundamental role in this transformation. However, the power to improve the current regulatory, business, and organizational conditions does not rest solely with nurses; government, businesses, health care organizations, professional associations, and the insurance industry all must play a role. Working…
Nursing profession is the largest division of the healthcare employees. Nurses play an important role when it comes to patient care. There are many obstacles that prevent nurses from being able to respond effectively to constantly changing healthcare system and to make changes and advance health, these obstacles need to be overcome. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation along with Institute of Medicine (IOM) proposed to assess the need to transform the nursing profession in 2010. The report included making…
Nurses play a vital role working on the front lines of patient care; with almost 3 million members this profession takes up one of the largest segment in healthcare. In order to manage the rapidly changing healthcare rules and regulations that might prevent a nurse from working efficiently and rapidly; in 2008 Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and Institute of Medicine launched a two year plan to change the nursing profession.(The Future of Nursing, 2011) The committee put together certain key roles that were capable of envisioning the future of the nursing profession. The IOM report focused mainly on many critical components of nursing.…
Summary: This article informs the reader of the shortage of nurses. The article mentions, as in the past, nurses are still putting in long hours, caring for more patients, desperately trying to stay on top of things. There is a new nursing shortage, different from the old one. The reasons of the shortage are examined. Fewer people are entering the nursing field, a general dissatisfaction of many issues, and a high burnout rate. The article consists of three main reasons for the shortage, each of which go into detail about a certain issue. The new shortage requires unique solutions that will fix the underlying issues, not just solutions that will help in the short run. The solutions of which that were mentioned was needing stronger, professional work environment, adequate staffing, and salaries and benefits to that equal of their responsibilities. To help combat the shortage, federal and state governments are presenting legislation to improve the working environment and helping to pay nursing tuition. Besides government help, there is a personal effort that can be made. The nurses can take better care of themselves, bring suggestions to colleagues and nurse-manager, and raise their personal level of expertise of their…
Acting in accordance with the highest standards of ethics, accountability, efficiency, effectiveness, and openness, the Texas Board of Nursing approaches its mission with a deep sense of purpose and responsibility and affirms that the regulation of nursing is a public and private trust. The Board assumes a proactive leadership role in regulating nursing practice and nursing education. The Board serves as a catalyst for developing partnerships and promoting collaboration in addressing regulatory issues. The public and nursing community alike can be assured of a balanced and responsible approach to regulation…
This economic investment from the government can help address the nursing shortages experienced throughout the United States. The New York state nursing shortage correction act, attempts to increase funding to nursing educational facilities by providing funding to educational institutions, expansion of nursing faculty, creation of simulation labs for new and existing nursing programs, broaden clinical and academic partnerships, increase availability of Internet based learning, and provide incentives for retiring nurses to continue working (S. 2270, 2013). These funds are collected through state and federal taxes. It is everyone’s responsibility to contribute as we all use and benefit from the health care system. The inclusion of lay people also ensures they are aware of issues within the health care system and can participate in the solution creating…
The voice of nursing informatics and the future of nursing Technology Informatics Guiding Education Reform (TIGER) (2010). ANIA-CARING Newsletter, 25(4), 11-20. Retrieved from http://web.b.ebscohost.com.ezproxy.ttuhsc.edu/nup/detail/detail?sid=2b530457-f316-4cab-99a1-51bdce7a9464%40sessionmgr115&vid=1&hid=119&bdata=JnNpdGU9bnVwLWxpdmUmc2NvcGU9c2l0ZQ%3d%3d#db=rzh&AN=2010939703…
Nursing practice has evolved drastically over the past two decades. There are numerous changes and advancement in the field of nursing. One of the most obvious change that took place is information and technology. Technology has advanced dramatically to help change the way nurses advocate and care for their patients. This is a major change that impacted not just nursing, but health care in general.…
As congress debates over the many different points of the Affordable Healthcare Act, the one issue that is in the forefront is how will the health care system provide care for all these additional people. In order to provide quality care many believe the health care professionals roles will need to be expanded. Since nursing is the largest, and encompasses 3 million of the healthcare workforce, it will be imperative that the nursing roles expands to meet these needs(Sullivan,2011). Because nurses have a unique position in healthcare due to their scientific knowledge and proximity to patients, (Sullivan,2011), the Institute of Medicine(2011) concluded that " nursing brings to the future a steadfast commitment to patient care, improved safety and quality, and better outcomes" (Future of Nursing, p167).…
The profession of nursing can be described to be dynamic cause there always a way that nursing can be developed or for change for the best. It is an art and science therefor; things can be acquired in a systemic way. The nursing profession over the years has taken a more technological turn where assessing data storing information and carrying out procedure has become somewhat a push of button.…