1. Florence Nightingale - Environment theory 2. Hildegard Peplau - Interpersonal theory 3. Virginia Henderson - Need Theory 4. Fay Abdella - Twenty One Nursing Problems 5. Ida Jean Orlando - Nursing Process theory 6. Dorothy Johnson - System model 7. Martha Rogers -Unitary Human beings 8. Dorothea Orem - Self-care theory 9. Imogene King - Goal Attainment theory 10. Betty Neuman - System model 11. Sister Calista Roy - Adaptation theory 12. Jean Watson - Philosophy and Caring Model 13. Madeleine Leininger -Transcultural nursing 14. Patricia Benner - From Novice to Expert 15. Lydia E. Hall - The Core, Care and Cure 16. Joyce Travelbee - Human-To-Human Relationship Model 17. Margaret Newman - Health As Expanding Consciousness 18. Katharine Kolcaba - Comfort Theory 19. Rosemarie Rizzo Parse - Human Becoming Theory 20. Ernestine Wiedenbach - The Helping Art of Clinical Nursing
1. Florence Nightingale- Environmental Theory
* First nursing theorist * Unsanitary conditions posed health hazard (Notes on Nursing, 1859) * 5 components of environment * ventilation, light, warmth, effluvia, noise * External influences can prevent, suppress or contribute to disease or death.
Nightingale’s Concepts
a. Person * Patient who is acted on by nurse * Affected by environment * Has reparative powers
b. Environment * Foundation of theory. Included everything, physical, psychological, and social
c. Health * Maintaining well-being by using a person’s powers * Maintained by control of environment
d. Nursing * Provided fresh air, warmth, cleanliness, good diet, quiet to facilitate person’s reparative process
2. Hildegard Peplau -Interpersonal Relations Model * Based on psychodynamic nursing * using an understanding of one’s own behavior