As you both know I’m working at RLC tonight and I just had a question/suggestion on charting, like we do on the floor.
I like to believe that if the CNA’s could chart on CPSI (ADL) things wouldn’t get overlooked like Incontinency. Like resident in room 216-2 is incontinent during the night but not on days, the other aids and some nurses had no idea that this was a thing.
It would help reduce fall risks by having the aid chart safety every time they go in a room. To assure that they have their call light in reach and reminded to call for assistance. Also if they’re in bed to assure that the bed is lowered all the way, bed rails are up, alarms are on, and floor mats are in place.
This could also put a stop to the he/she said arguments between staff members, simply pull up the quoted residents chart and say well this is what the chart says and this is who charted it. …show more content…
Wouldn’t it be easier for them to just go back and look at the previous charting.? To answer any possible questions they may have, instead of calling or hunting down several aids.
Even to see their sleeping, eating, bathing and, activity patterns. (I.E.) How are we tracking how well are independent residents are eating, or if they are on the verge of needing assistance. With Intake and Output how is that being traced? To where as the on coming Aids don’t get a report at ALL!! So if a resident hasn’t had any output for the whole shift and still doesn’t my shift when is that going to get passed on to the nurse or any other staff member.
Bring back up report. It would also be nice to receive some sort of report. What I had in mind is. A walking round report where the oncoming aid would get with the aid they are talking over for and, going by each room and say this is how so and so are doing, this is what has changed with them today, there call light is in reach, trash is taken out