Until the second part of the last century, all medical records were on paper. This system worked fine in an age of family doctors making house calls and patients never travelling far from their local hospital. Our modern society has changed and our healthcare record management has changed as well. Computerized record management (CRM) and Electronic Medical Records (EMR) are poised to increase the quality of healthcare. According to the US Department of Health and Human Services, there are numerous ways that CRM’s are improving quality of patient care. Their web site lists problems with paper records. These include, illegible handwriting, multiple healthcare providers for one patient not communicating, and increased amounts of medical and new drug information. “Patients with chronic diseases such as diabetes or congestive heart failure often have to monitor their blood glucose level, weight, blood pressure, and medication regimens in their homes” (AHRQ, 2012). CMR will allow health care providers to track any abnormal values recorded from patient’s home, eliminating the need to wait until the next appointment which may be a month away. With CMR, patients will be able to go to different specialists who can all plug in to the same medical record. Also, the medical record will follow the patient if he is travelling and needs to receive care far from his primary care provider. The switch to computer records will eliminate time trying to decipher a physician’s handwriting. EMR’s will also be updated continuously with updated medical and drug information. This resource will allow the healthcare provider to keep up to date on all the latest research which will increase quality of care as well. Another aspect of increased quality of care is the patient id band being linked to the electronic record. “The system of linking hospital ID bracelets to patients' EHRs has curbed medication errors” (iHealthbeat.org, 2012).
Active Nursing