Marisa Levario
The Master’s Learning Institute Online Expansion Proposal The Master’s Learning Institute (MLI) is a non-traditional, secondary home-school program established by Ms. Sherry Lyle in 1986, and has provided home-school services to thousand of students for over 28 years. MLI is recognized as a Christian private school and provides four programs students may enroll in, and upon successful completion, each student earns their high school diploma. Currently, MLI does not provide an online service to students, requiring students to physically attend a Learning Center, located in various regions throughout the state of Texas. By providing online services to the public community, MLI will benefit financially, as well as through growth. MLI has recently established a correspondence program, which allows non-local students to enroll into MLI and complete coursework through correspondence procedures. By providing an online outlet, students would highly benefit from performing all coursework online, along with any documentation for enrollment, paying tuition, etc., and would eliminate excessive, unnecessary time and postage involved in mailing out correspondence information.
MLI Programs and Website Information
MLI offers four programs: Project Graduation, Adult Education, Youth Education, and ESL Adult Education. Each program is designed to assist students in need of earnig their High School Diploma through non-traditional methods, such as home school. Enrollment into each program begins with a registration process where the student completes an application, service contract, and any other legal documentation required by the state. During the initial appointment, each student (regardless of program) is required to pay for and complete an analysis exam. Upon completion of the exam, and depending on which program the student enrolls in, curriculum is issued, and the
References: Bulles, J. (2014). 12 Key Findings On Social Media’s Impact on Business and Decision Making By CEO’s and Managers. Retrieved from’s-impact-on-business-and-decision making-by ceos-and-managers/