Department of Behavioral Health and Nutrition
NTDT 200
Nutrition Concepts
Section 10
Fall 2013
Instructor: Diane Oliver, MPH, RD, LDN
E-mail: (E-mail is the best way to reach me)
Office Hours: by appointment
Undergraduate Teaching Assistants: Jessica D’Angelo
3 Credits
Meeting Times: Tuesday and Thursday
2 pm to 3:15 p.m.
319 Willard Hall
Teaching Methods: Lecture and Discussion
Required: Whitney, E., and Rolph, S., Understanding Nutrition, th Belmont, CA, Cengage Publishing, 13 ed., 2012
Hardback or Looseleaf. ISBN: 9781285152776
Required: Diet Analysis Plus 10.0 Access Card, Cengage Publishing
Required: i>clicker2 th The UD bookstore has the looseleaf 13 ed. Understanding
Nutrition and Diet Analysis bundled together.
Course Description:
Function and sources of nutrients, dietary adequacy, energy balance and metabolism with emphasis on health promotion. Includes weight control, evaluation of popular diets, vegetarianism, eating disorders, alcohol and other current issues and concerns in nutrition.
Course Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Identify basic roles of most nutrients in the body and recognize the interrelationships of the functioning nutrients.
2. Identify the effects of deficiencies or excesses of nutrients on health.
3. Assess the nutritional adequacy of a diet.
4. Recognize various dietary and nutritional guidelines.
5. Identify food sources of nutrients and be able to identify whether or not a diet meets dietary/nutritional guidelines.
6. Recognize that there are many ways to achieve an adequate diet.
7. Know how to integrate nutritional principles into own lifestyle.
8. Evaluate popular ideas and practices in the U.S. concerning food and nutrition.
Recognize that people’s food practices are frequently influenced by factors other than