Content Focus:
My food plate
Food pyramid
Food portion plate
Class #2.
Objectives: The students will be able to read a nutrition label correctly.
The students will be able to recognize serving size and servings per container
The students will be able to understand daily value %
Standards: Knowledge, access information
Assessment: Nutrition label worksheet
Powerpoint-Box cereal, can foods, worksheet
Content Focus:
Nutrition Label
Work Sheet
Boxed foods
Canned foods
Objectives: The students will be able to define a food borne illness.
The students will be able to describe the symptoms and possible causes …show more content…
of a food borne illness
The students will be able to explore how food borne illnesses can be prevented
Standards: Decision making, accessing information, knowledge
Illness guessing game
Video, group diseases guessing game
Content focus:
Food Borne Illness
Clues to each illness
Objectives: Student will be able access information about different food-borne illnesses and show what they have learned by acting them out in class
Standards: Accessing information, communication skills
Assessment: Skit
Surf the internet, skit of food-borne illness
Content focus:
Food-borne illness
Objectives: The 9th grade students will be able to describe the ideal media body image for males and females.
The 9th grade students will be able to describe how media images may be enhanced.
The 9th grade students will be able to list three implied messages about body type in advertising.
Standards: Analyzing Influences
Take Home/ questionnaire
Content Focus:
Materials: Pens or pencils
Copies of advertising Questionnaire handout
Chalkboard, flip chart, marker board, or other large writing surface
Copies of recent magazines that teens are likely to read, such as Seventeen, Sports Illustrated, Teen People, ESPN, Skateboarding, etc. one copy of a magazine should be available for each three or four participants.
Objectives: Students will identify, name, and recite what they have learned through a nutrition Jeopardy game.
Students will work in groups to generate the correct answer from what they have learned throughout the week of nutrition.
Standards: Knowledge, communication skills
Jeopardy game
Content Focus:
Nutrition facts
Flash cards
White board
Healthy snacks
10th grade
6-40 Minute Lessons
Kara Marvelli
Curriculum Design in Health Education
Professor Williamson
Food is a basic human need and societies focus on health and wellness has increased. According the National Center for Health Statistics, the three leading causes of illness and death in the United States are, heart disease, cancer, and stroke. Six of the top ten reasons for illness and or death are all dietary factors. In order to effectively promote nutrition, food, and wellness practices, we must provide nutrition education using reliable sources, evaluate current nutrition and food related issues and understand how it can affect our body (natefacs.org)
Because of the increase in food related illness and death high school students need to understand the importance of a healthy lifestyle. Thus unit will help student’s nutrition fundamentals in changing behavior and overall health and taking the information they learned home to share with other family members and peers. (NATEFACS, 2004)
Unit Goals:
Students will be understand what a nutrition label means
Students will name the food borne illnesses that affect the body
Students will explain how at least 3 food borne illnesses affect the body
Instructional Strategies:
Family Involvement: Guide to good eating take home
Assessment Strategy:
Day 1:
Content Area: Health
Grade: 9
Goal: The students will be able to understand, analyze, and read a nutrition label
Objectives: The students will be able to read a nutrition label correctly
The students will be able to recognize the difference between serving size and servings per container
The students will be able to record information from nutritional labels
The students will be able to understand the daily value %
Method of Instruction:
Name that Nutrient game.
Content Outline: “Name that Nutrient”.
Divide the group into 2 (or 3) teams and then toss a coin (or suggest another quick activity) to determine which team will go first. Each team will decide who will be the speaker for the group. The designated person will then choose a Nutrient Flashcard. On the card is the name of the nutrient, and clues about what it does, or what foods it is found in. Without saying the name of the nutrient, the designated person will read one clue at a time to his/her fellow teammates after he/she is given the signal to start the game. The object of the game is to not say the answer but say any and all words describing the nutrient. Each team will have 45 seconds to guess the nutrient. When a team guesses correctly, they earn 1 point. If a team is unable to guess the correct answer, they do not earn any points. The team with the most points at the end of the game wins. After all rounds are played and the winning team is identified, pass out the Nutrient Function List for all participants to take home.
Flash Cards
Nutrients function paper
Take Home
Protein – Choose a variety of foods with lean protein
Protein is an indispensable nutrient and can be found throughout every tissue in our body. Protein is a vital source of energy but the most important function of protein is building and repairing tissue. We also need protein for our immune function, proteins transport vitamins and minerals throughout our body.
Grains – Make half of all the grains you eat whole grains
Eating grains, especially whole grains, provides health benefits. Dietary fiber from whole grains, may help reduce blood cholesterol levels and lower risk of heart disease, obesity, and type 2 diabetes. Grains are important sources of many nutrients, including several B vitamins, magnesium and selenium.
Fruits – Make at least half of your plate fruits and vegetables
Eating fruit provides health benefits — people who eat more fruits and vegetables as part of an overall healthy diet are likely to have a reduced risk of some chronic diseases. Fruits provide nutrients vital for health and maintenance of your body.
Vegetables – Make at least half of your plate fruits and vegetables
Eating vegetables provides health benefits — people who eat more vegetables and fruits as part of an overall healthy diet are likely to have a reduced risk of some chronic diseases. Vegetables provide nutrients vital for health and maintenance of your body.
Dairy – Always choose fat-free or low-fat (1%) milk
Milk and dairy products are especially important to bone health during school aged years, when bone mass is being built. It provides important sources of calcium, potassium and vitamin D, and help to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and help to lower blood pressure in adults.
Day 2
Health Content: Nutrition
Grade: 9
Standards: Practicing behavior, knowledge
Goal: Students will be able to comprehend concepts consistent with USDA guidance related to eating healthy and safe foods
Objectives: students will know, understand, analyze, and apply concepts, as developmentally appropriate, that are consistent with USDA guidance about the benefits of food safety
Students will apply skills consistent with USDA guidance related to eating and physical activity for good health.
Develop a goal to adopt, maintain, or improve a personal health practice.
Method of instruction: A PowerPoint presentation will be given to the students and by the end of the class students will explain the importance of food safety and list some methods in preventing a foodborne illness. After the lesson is taught the student will play a trivia game and questions will be answered about the food safety (see attached)
Closing comments-5
Content Outline: PowerPoint
What Is Foodborne Illness?
Ask students: How many of you have ever gotten “food poisoning” or know someone who did?
About 76 million Americans are affected by foodborne illness each year. Foodborne illness is an illness that comes from eating food contaminated with harmful pathogens - viruses, bacteria, or molds. Foodborne illness is preventable, which is why it is important to understand the concepts of food safety to reduce the risk of foodborne illness for you and those around you.
Slide 2: Bacteria and Viruses
Foods can have microbes, such as bacteria and viruses, in and on them. Some microbes are not harmful to humans (such as the bacteria used to make yogurt), but other types, called pathogens, can cause illness. Bacteria and viruses are the most common cause of foodborne illness. The symptoms of foodborne illness vary depending on the pathogen that has contaminated the food. Certain pathogens are associated with certain types of food. The table highlights the top ten most common pathogens that cause foodborne illness, as well as the types of food where they are commonly found.
Review the slide with the class, highlighting some of the pathogens and their associated food sources.
Slide 3: How Is Foodborne Illness Prevented?
According to the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, the behaviors most likely to prevent food safety problems are
1. Washing hands
2. Rinsing vegetables and fruits
3. Preventing cross-contamination
4. Cooking foods to safe internal temperatures
5. Storing foods safely in the home
These points are highlighted in the four basic food safety principles on the next slide.
Slide 4: Fight BAC!
In order to limit pathogens from the food you eat, it is important to follow four safe food handling steps when storing, preparing and eating foods. These four steps are: clean, separate, cook, and chill.
Slide 5: Clean
1. Bacteria and viruses are everywhere, and they can be spread throughout different areas of the kitchen and get onto hands, food, and food preparation areas. This is a concept called "cross- contamination." To prevent cross-contamination, it is important to follow the tips on this slide.
2. Hands: practice proper hand-washing techniques
Ask a student to demonstrate proper hand-washing techniques.
To properly wash your hands, wet hands with warm water and apply soap. Rub your hands together and scrub for 20 seconds. Rinse your hands well under warm running water and dry your hands with a clean paper towel. Use the paper towel to turn off the water.
Ask students when hands should be washed.
After using the restroom, before starting any food preparation, before and after handling any raw meat or potentially contaminated food, after touching any potentially contaminated surface, hair, face, garbage, chemicals, etc.
3. Surfaces: Clean utensils and small cutting boards with hot, soapy water after each use. Wash surfaces (e.g., tables, countertops) and cutting boards after each use and use a bleach solution to sanitize. Also keep the inside and outside of appliances clean (e.g., microwaves, mixers) as food can get stuck on them. Clean out the refrigerator often. Routinely clean and disinfect the surfaces of the refrigerator.
4. Food: Thoroughly rinse all fruits and vegetables. Place the produce under running water just before eating, peeling, cutting, or cooking. Do not use soap or detergent; commercial produce washes are not needed. Scrub firm produce, such as melons and cucumbers, with a clean produce brush while rinsing it. Raw seafood, meat, and poultry should not be rinsed. Bacteria in these raw juices can spread to other foods, utensils, and surfaces, leading to foodborne illness.
Slide 6: Separate
1. Another step in preventing cross-contamination is separating foods that are ready-to-eat such as fruits, vegetables, and grains from foods that need to be cooked, such as raw meat, poultry, seafood, and eggs. Pathogens in the raw juices of meat, poultry, or seafood can spread to other surfaces, foods, and hands if they are not kept separate.
2. Shopping and storing: Keep these foods separate when shopping at the grocery store and at home when storing and preparing them. In the refrigerator, store raw seafood, meat, and poultry below ready-to-eat foods to prevent raw juices from dripping and contaminating other foods.
3. Preparing and serving: Never place a ready-to-eat or cooked food on a plate that previously held raw meat, poultry, seafood, or eggs without first thoroughly cleaning and sanitizing the plate. Use one cutting board for produce and a separate one for raw meat, seafood, and poultry.
Slide 7: Cook
Ask the students: How many of you cook or help your family with cooking? Do you ever use a food thermometer at home to measure the temperature of meat and hot dishes?
Many people decide when their food is done by looking at its color. Unfortunately, color is not a reliable indicator of whether or not a food is fully cooked. It is important to measure the internal temperature of cooked meat, poultry, and egg dishes to make sure that the food is cooked to a safe internal temperature. When taking the temperature, make sure of the following points:
1. Insert the food thermometer into the thickest part of the food to get the most accurate reading
2. Cook steaks, roasts, and chops to 145ºF (fresh beef, veal, and lamb)
3. Cook ground beef, pork, veal, and lamb to 160ºF
4. Cook poultry to 165ºF
5. Cook eggs until the yolk and white are firm
6. Keep hot foods at a hot temperature of at least 140ºF
7. Bacteria can easily grow in food that has been sitting out for more than two hours and is in the temperature "danger zone" of 40ºF to 140º F.
Slide 7: Chill
1. At room temperature, the number of bacteria on food can double every 20 minutes. One of the most important steps to prevent foodborne illness is to refrigerate perishables.
2. Chill leftovers or takeout foods within 2 hours. Hot foods should not be left to cool on a counter. Leftovers or extra food should be refrigerated in shallow containers as soon as possible to slow the growth of bacteria. Keep the refrigerator at 40ºF or below. Cold temperatures slow the growth rate of harmful bacteria, but do not kill them.
a. It is not always possible to tell if a food has gone bad by its smell or appearance. Cooked leftovers should be discarded after 4 days; raw poultry and ground meats, 1 to 2 days.
3. Thaw frozen meat, poultry, and seafood in the refrigerator, never at room temperature.
11. Slide 11: High-Risk Foods
Some foods pose a higher risk of causing foodborne illness than others. Make sure that all milk and cheeses are pasteurized. The container they come in should say “pasteurized.” Additionally, avoid raw sprouts and raw or undercooked meats, seafood, poultry, and eggs.
Slide 8: High-Risk Populations
EVERYONE is at risk for foodborne illness, but some groups of people are at higher risk than others.
1. Pregnant women are at higher risk for getting sick from a harmful bacterium called Listeria and other foodborne illnesses. Listeria can cause premature delivery, serious sickness, and even miscarriage/infant death. Pregnant women should avoid foods such as hot dogs, deli meats, premade salads such as chicken and tuna salad, and unpasteurized milk and cheeses such as feta and brie.
2. Infants and young children are at a higher risk of foodborne illness because their immune systems are not adequately developed until about three years of age.
3. As adults age, immune systems may become weaker, increasing the risk for contracting foodborne illness. Additionally, the elderly are more likely to be on medications for different diseases and sometimes these medications have side effects which weaken their immune systems even more.
4. Individuals with weakened immune systems, such as those living with HIV infection, cancer treatment, organ transplant, or liver disease, are more susceptible than the general population to the effects of foodborne illnesses.
Assessment: Trivia
How long should you scrub your hands with soap and water to effectively remove bacteria?
20 seconds
True or False: If you are peeling an apple, it should be rinsed.
TRUE! The utensil you use to peel your produce can pick up pathogens from the peel and can spread them to the inside of the food. Always wash fruits and vegetables even if you are not eating the peel.
True or False: Wash poultry and meats before cooking.
FALSE! Poultry, meats, and seafood naturally have bacteria in their raw juices. If they are rinsed in the sink, pathogens can easily spread to other surfaces which can cause cross-contamination, putting you at higher risk of contaminating other food and becoming sick.
Before handling any food, what is the first thing a person should do?
Wash his/her hands
True or False: Meat and poultry should be stored at the top shelf of the refrigerator to keep them separate from other foods.
FALSE! Raw seafood, meats, and poultry should be placed at the bottom shelf. Their raw juices can contain an abundance of bacteria that can drip onto other foods. If you notice raw juices, clean and sanitize the area!
Give an example of how you can prevent cross-contamination when preparing …show more content…
Use separate cutting boards (e.g., one for raw meat, poultry, and seafood, and one for fruits and vegetables); wash and sanitize surfaces between tasks; wash hands before preparation and any time you change tasks (e.g., switching from slicing raw chicken to cutting fresh vegetables); do not place cooked or ready-to-eat food on a dish that previously held raw seafood, meat, or poultry.
What could happen if you placed cooked food on a plate that previously held raw meat, poultry, or seafood?
Since there are bacteria on the plate from the raw juices, you can cause cross-contamination and spread the potentially pathogenic bacteria to the cooked food. This could lead to a foodborne illness.
True or False: Using a separate cutting board for raw foods, like meat, poultry, and seafood and another fresh foods, like fruits and vegetables, can cause cross-contamination.
FALSE! Always separate foods that you will not be cooking from foods that need to be cooked since uncooked foods can contaminate ready-to-eat foods. Any pathogens on the cutting board from the raw meat, poultry, or seafood could contaminate the fruits and vegetables and lead to foodborne illness.
True or False: Once chicken turns white in the middle, it is cooked to a safe internal temperature.
FALSE! You cannot use color as a way to guarantee if a food is fully cooked. The only way to know if a food has been cooked to a safe temperature is by using a food thermometer. Chicken should be cooked to 165ºF.
When checking to see if food is done cooking, what part of the meat, poultry, or seafood should you place the food thermometer?
How hot should you keep food when serving it?
True or False: Cookie dough should not be eaten until it is cooked
TRUE! Raw egg in the dough may contain pathogens. It may be tempting to lick the spoon, but wait until the cookies are baked to ensure that the egg is fully cooked.
What is the best way to defrost frozen meats, poultry and seafood?
The best way to defrost frozen meats, poultry, and seafood is in the refrigerator. Defrosting at room temperature is dangerous because while the inside might stay cold for a while, the outer parts of the food can become too warm and promote the growth of bacteria. Other safe defrosting methods include the microwave or submersion in cold water.
How long can you leave leftovers out of refrigeration?
Leftovers should not be left out for more than two hours.
What is the "temperature danger zone" and why is it important?
The temperature danger zone is 40º F to 140º F. If perishable foods are kept in this zone for more than two hours, bacteria can grow very quickly. In fact, the amount of bacteria doubles every 20 minutes when perishable foods are at room temperature.
True or False: You should not put hot food in the refrigerator because it will make the refrigerator have to work harder.
FALSE! To ensure that hot food cools quickly, place it in shallow containers. Some foods (like pasta or rice) can be rinsed under cold water to cool them prior to packaging in shallow containers. If that is not possible, the outside of the container can be rinsed under cold water to promote quicker cooling (be careful not to let water into the container).
What is an example of a "high-risk food?"
Undercooked or raw eggs, meat, poultry, or seafood; unpasteurized milk and cheeses; raw sprouts.
What makes a food "high-risk?
High risk foods can contain harmful pathogens that require cooking in order to be destroyed.
Give an example of someone who is at high-risk for foodborne illness.
Pregnant women and their unborn babies, infants and young children, older adults, and people with weakened immune systems.
True or False: Leftovers are safe to eat until they smell bad.
FALSE! Smell is not a good indicator if the food is still safe to eat. To be safe, go through your refrigerator every week and discard leftovers that have been in there for four days or more. It is a good idea to mark the date on your containers so you can remember how long you have been storing the food.
What are the temperatures from 40-140 ºF called?
The “Danger Zone”
Materials: Laptop/Projector with PowerPoint presentation
Handout: Food Safety Trivia Questions
Caregiver newsletter: Food Safety
References: http://www.drexel.edu/nutritioneducation/Website_Materials/FY2012%20Lesson%20Materials/HS/Lessons/HS%20Food%20Safety%20Lesson%20Plan%207%2029%202011.pdf
Day 3-contiued
Health Content: Nutrition
Standards: Accessing information, communication skills
Goals: Student will be able access information about different food-borne illnesses and show what they have learned by acting them out in class
Objectives: Students will be able to describe the symptoms and possible causes of a food-borne illness.
Students will be able to explore how food-borne illnesses can be prevented.
Instructional Strategies: The class will be divided into 7 groups. Each group will receive a different disease. botulism campylobacteriosis
E. coli perfringens Salmonella
Staphylococcal infection
Work in groups to research the disease, including the following factors:
1. specific microorganisms that cause sickness
2. how the microorganism is transmitted
3. symptoms of illness
onset (how long it takes for symptoms to appear)
5. any other important details
After the research has been done the groups will create a skit about someone who has just gotten sick with the illness. The other groups should be able to guess the illness that the team is acting out.
Content Outline:
Assessment: Points will be given out according to the students performance and knowledge.
3 points: Students provided several details about food-borne illnesses and their causes; presented a clear and accurate skit describing the causes, transmission, onset, and symptoms of a specific food-borne illness; identified several of the diseases presented by the class; cited several ways that food-borne illnesses can be prevented.
2 points: Students provided some details about food-borne illnesses and their causes; presented a satisfactory skit describing the causes, transmission, onset, and symptoms of a specific food-borne illness; identified some of the
Diseases presented by the class; cited one or two ways that food-borne illnesses can be
1 point: Students provided few or no details about food-borne illnesses and their causes; presented a vague or inaccurate skit, which did not describe the causes, transmission, onset, or symptoms of a specific food-borne illness; identified few or no of the diseases presented by the class; cited few or no ways that food-borne illnesses can be prevented.
Materials: Computer with internet access
Pen, paper
Reference: http://www.discoveryeducation.com/teachers/free-lesson-plans/nutrition-and-food-science.cfm
Discovery Education
Day 5
Health Content: Nutrition
Grade: 9
Standards: Analyzing Influences
Goals: The 9th grade student will be able to raise awareness and deflate the myth of the ideal body type presented in the mass media.
The 9th grade students will be able to describe the ideal media body image for males and females.
The 9th grade students will be able to describe how media images may be enhanced.
The 9th grade students will be able to list three implied messages about body type in advertising.
Instructional Strategies:
Divide into small groups of three or four persons per group. Give each group one copy of a recent issue of a popular magazine for teens and two copies of the Advertising Questionnaire handout (at the end of this section). Ask each group to select two ads in the magazine and to discuss and answer the questions about each ad Ask one representative from each group to briefly present their conclusions about one or both of the ads critiqued by their group. Make tallies of the responses to each question (1–6).
Ask to the group to summarize the tallies. Likely responses are:
1.What messages do magazine, TV, and Internet advertisements send to people about body image?
Possible responses may include, but are not limited to:
A. It is not ok to be overweight (or even to have a large body frame).
B. It is not ok to be shorter or have a stocky build.
C. Slim people are the norm.
D. There is an ideal body type that is illustrated in advertisements.
E. For women: like a fashion model.
F. For men: lean, muscular, athletic.
G. If you want to have fun, achieving the ideal body type should be a goal.
H. Sometimes media messages may be reinforced by peers, friends, parents, family members, teachers, or coaches.
2. Challenging the advertising myths.
A. Do you believe there really is an ideal body type?
B. Is it realistic for everyone to try to achieve the look of advertising models?
C. Everyone has a specific body type (including models), which is largely inherited.
D. For most people, achieving the appearance of advertising models is not a realistic goal.
E. There is no ideal body type. Ideally, everyone should strive to maintain a healthy weight and strive to be physically fit, whatever their body type
Print off http://www.extension.purdue.edu/extmedia/CFS/CFS-737-W.pdf
Purdue university
Content Outline:
Assessment: Take-home message
Body images commonly presented in advertising are of lean to normal-weight people who are having fun using products. The ads present stereotypical ideal body images that often cause a person to be dissatisfied with his or her own body and to try to achieve this perceived ideal in reality, there is no ideal body type. We all need to strive to be physically fit while maintaining our health.
Materials: Pens or pencils
Copies of advertising Questionnaire handout
Chalkboard, flip chart, marker board, or other large writing surface
Copies of recent magazines that teens are likely to read, such as Seventeen, Sports Illustrated, Teen People, ESPN, Skateboarding, etc. one copy of a magazine should be available for each three or four participants.
Day #6
Health Content: Nutrition
Grade: 9
Standards: Knowledge, communication skills
Goals: Students will be able to communicate with their peers in answering questions about the week’s unit topic.
Objectives: Students will review what they have learned during a nutrition Jeopardy game.
Students will work in groups to generate the correct answer from what they have learned throughout the week of nutrition.
Instructional Strategies:
Break students up into groups/rules of games-10
Clean up/winner-5
Content Outline:
Remind the students of the previous lessons and review major points. Tell them that this will be review of the information that they have already learned.
Explain that each team must select a team captain, and that person is the spokesperson for the team. The team captain will pick a category and a point amount. The students will have 20 seconds to answer the question, after the 20 is up the other team will have 10 seconds to steal the points by giving the correct answer.
Students will be able to use any notes that they have taken in previous classes.
Assessment: Jeopardy game
MyPlate Poster
Nutrition Jeopardy questions
The body poster
Foodborne illness pictures
Prize for the winning group
References: http://www.drexel.edu/nutritioneducation/Website_Materials/FY2012%20Lesson%20Materials/HS/Lessons/DU%20HS%20Nutrition%20Jeopardy%20Lesson%20rev%208%203%202011.pdf