Nutrition for Food Service
December 2, 2012
Nutritional Benefits of Detoxification Even though some people think detoxification is just a diet fad that will soon slide under the radar again, it is known that specific foods will aid your body in the natural elimination process of toxins. The idea of detoxification is not a new concept, in fact it dates back as far as four hundred BC, according to Pamela Nisevich, with the soul purpose to remove toxic substances, and wastes that over time build up in the body from the things we eat. Historically, Nisevich says, many detoxification diets were grounded on religious beliefs and usually implicated fasting. Today, a diet is categorized as “detox” if it implicates making a change to your daily eating habits, primarily geared toward the removal of toxins, encompassing the whole basis of eliminating particular foods, and maintaining hydration by drinking a great deal of water. The premises of detoxification covers many areas such as, eating specific foods that will enhance beauty, sweating out the toxins with exercise, taking detoxification pills, however the nutritional side of what you can do with food to aid in detoxification is far more beneficial. Focusing on the food side of detoxification, Isaac Eliaz wrote an article called the “7 Gentle Cleansing Tips for Improving Energy, Immune Function, and Vitality”, in which his first two tips directly related to the topic at hand and were very useful in beginning the concept. First thing first, reduce the exposure to toxins. Eliaz says we are being “BOMBARDED” with toxins from processed foods, fried foods, and nonorganic foods. These things “accumulating over time can damage our DNA, create inflammation, and impair critical biological functions”, therefore choosing all natural foods, is the best way to decrease your contact with these foods. Eliaz also recommends having yourself tested for sensitivity to gluten, dairy, eggs, or other
Cited: Eliaz, Isaac. "Fall Into Detox. (Cover Story)." Better Nutrition 74.10 (2012): 34-38. Health Source - Consumer Edition. Web. 2 Dec. 2012. Jones, Sarah. "Come Clean." Natural Health 42.3 (2012): 62-68. Health Source - Consumer Edition. Web. 2 Dec. 2012. Cook, Michelle. "Top 12 Detox Super foods." 01 2012: n. page. Web. 2 Dec. 2012. <>. Nisevich, Pamela. "What 's the deal with detox diets?." 02 2010: n. page. Print. <>.