Question Booklet
Task A- Short answer questions
Ai Explain three differences between a working relationship and a personal relationship.
* Socialising
*Not discussing residents with others outside of the work place
*Physical contact
Aii Give two examples of different working relationships in an adult social care setting.
* Carer/ Residents
*Carer/ Senior- Manager
AiiI Explain why it is important that social care workers in partnership with individuals using the service and their family.
Residents- Working towards their needs and preferences.
- Having their support- they also know the residents a lot more then we do such as likes and dislikes.
Aiv Identify three ways of working that can help improve partnership working
* Involve them in desion making and their care plans. I.e letting them make desions such as if they would like to go out for the morning or stay in.
* Choices- Letting them decide what they would like at their meal times.
* Independence- Encouraging them to do as much for themselves as possible and letting them know there is a happing hand if needed.
AV When people with different views and expertise and working together, they may disagree about the best way forward, identify five different skills or approaches that might help resolve conflict.
*Listen- listen to what people have to say.
*Negotiation- Coming up with something that you all agree on.
*Talking-Talking to each other and the clients
*Compromise- Some times some things have to bend and compromising is the best option.
*Resolving- Resolving the problem together is the best way then you have all worked as a team and all had some input.
Task B Handout- Agreed ways of working
The agreed ways of working are set out by you employer of the social care zxs`worker to conduct and inform service users and the public about the standard of conduct they can expect and include