Jason M Smiley
April 9,2013
Kenneth Ferguson
In the business world we all wrestle with how do we get our employees to be innovative and how do we get them to adopt a new innovation that can possible take this organization to a level that will generates profits and even sometimes make their jobs much easier. This paper will help define, compare, and argue the differences of four key phases that help with the innovative decisions and culture. These four styles are as follow * Intuitive * Innovative * Imaginative * Inspirational
Once an organization can adopt these four creative intelligence they than can begin the brutal but rewarding process of altering a procedure our creating a new procedures to fit with in their culture.
Intuitive We all have a past and we as adults learn from our experiences in life that is how we as humans grow and become intelligent in some life long lessons. For a organization they as well have a life that is precious to the stock holders, owner, and even the employees and due to this vested interest they learn from their mistakes as a organization. Intuitive is a problem solver that main focus is upon the mistakes to guide the decision-making that they would be venturing in the present our future. When managers are given …show more content…
their marching orders to take up a project they must to into account of the direction that they were going in and try to redirect their mindset so that they can focus upon strategically planning and preparing for unforeseen outcomes that may occur during the design stage. One of the handicappers that managers do have is the failure to realize that they must change their mindset and changing the culture that is evoked in the work area. Never the less managers must still find a way to get good results from a lot of hard work. At Mayo hospital we are trying to look for ways to be able to lean down the process of spending our using supplies that are not necessary. In the past Mayo has been very irresponsible on the process of spending funds and using supplies. They have been in the red and their history of spending and how they utilize the patient pipeline to and from operating room has not been disciplined.
Innovative I have to see it to believe, it was a saying I used a lot when I was younger among my friends. This saying provided me with the possibility of seeing evidence to support my theory our decision. This phase takes a direct approach to how the organization looks adopt the approach they will take to develop an innovative process. Logic is the key to this approach and visual evidence like data are very weighing evidence that dictates the decision our direction the managers will take. By taking this approach they are able to collaborate and verify so that they are able to tame different individual mindsets. The biggest deciding factor that pushed Mayo to re-think how they are utilizing time and money is due to the finance administrators, operating room managers, and directors collaborative data that was put together and presented to the hospital committee.
Imaginative Imaginative Risk taker has imaginative style of creative intelligence that is possessed by those individuals who have strong leadership qualities (Griffin, 2013). When you sit down with a person that posses this type of creative intelligence one would have to wonder if this process is learned our is it born within the person capabilities. These leaders look at the situation and dissect and put back a new the issues so that it will come out to be a new process that will make the organization profitable. Taking this new process to the employees would not be an issue to them due to their unique quality’s of gravitating personnel to them and leading them to changing there mind set on how they would adopt this new innovative policy. These managers our personnel create an atmosphere that is cordial, and good nature that influence everyone in the workplace with their confidence. This allows for they’re to be a culture of innovative employees with in the organization.
Inspirational This phase focuses upon positive energy that is pushed out among the employees and they inspire those who will follow due to their selfless nature and courage to social change within the work place. By promoting cultural change inspirational individuals are able to see the end results due to the promotion of change. Inspirational personnel adopt the day-to-day philosophy towards their decision-making. In the game of football we have the coach and positional coaches who both are to inspire you to play hard and remember your fundamentals, but sometimes there are players who surpass those coaches and take the position that inspire all the players and staff that takes them to a level that will reach their ultimate goal.
Reggie White was this type of player that brought a new culture and meaning to the Green Bay Packers with his inspirational innovative way of effecting the players and staff. His everlasting pursuit for all to give it they’re all like he did stimulated a chain reaction that radiated through the whole team all the way to winning the super
Conclusion At this point we have four foundations that would help with the structure of how we mentally look at the process of adopting a new process that would change the culture within the work place affecting all. Being a creative thinker has expectations when you hold the position of making a cultural difference this process of thinking is considered to some a natural attribute that is fueled by one of these four creative intelligence. Now for my work place I need to recognize my potentials within my own creative intelligence and utilize this process so that I may be a creative innovator in my work place so that solutions can be swift to come among the work place so that we all can adapt to a new culture. Taking these steps are not an easy one but sweat and tears will and can make the culture change happen.
Griffen, J. (2013). Creative Intelligence. Retrieved from Jon Griffen: www.jongriffen.com
Knutson, P. L. (2011, November 10). Creative Intelligence Styles- Why Their Difference Matter. Retrieved from ezinarticles: www.ezinarticles.com