LO 1 meaning and importance of ob o Explain key elements of organizational behavior
L0 2 Discuss models of OB o Discuss Theories of management – x,y,z o Compare and contrast models of OB – autocratic, custodial, supportive, collegial and system
OB Systems
All organizations achieve goals by creating, communicating and operating s system. (Newstrom 27) Some systems are consciously created and regularly looked at and updated. The purpose of these systems is to help managers shift everything in the organization – people, technology, structure and environment - to get results, or outcomes for the organization.
Three criteria
Progressive Organizations measure their results or outcomes by three criteria
Performance Product and services quality and quantity, level of customer service
Employee satisfaction May be measured by - lower absenteeism, tardiness or turnover
Personal growth and development Employees gain lifelong knowledge and skills leading to continued employability and career advancement.
Figure 1 Three criteria to measure Outcomes of OB Systems
A system comes out of the beliefs and intentions of those who create it - owners - and from the managers who run it. The model that an organization uses comes from assumptions and beliefs about the way things are, the purpose of these activities and the way they should be.
The thinking of owners and managers comes from fact premises and value premises.
Fact premises
Fact premises are a person’s view of how the world behaves. The view comes from science and personal experiences, from the important things a person learns. Fact premises come from direct and indirect lifelong learning and experiences and help guide our behavior.
Value premises
Value premises are different. Value premises are how desirable something is. Value premises are beliefs we hold. We control these. We can choose, change or replace our value premises, but this is not always easy because