Summer 2012
Custom Textbook Packet: Colquitt, Organizational Behaviour with Connect Access Card, 1st Canadian edition with Kreitner Custom, © 2010. This shrink-wrapped packet is available at the York University Bookstore, ISBN 0071059695).
The packet includes:
• Colquitt, Wesson, LePine & Gellatly (2010). Organizational Behaviour: Improving Performance and Commitment in the Workplace, Canadian Edition. McGraw-Hill Ryerson Ltd. Canada.
•Custom publication for York University: Kreitner, Kinicki, Cole & Digby (2010), OB: Key Concepts, Skills, and Best Practices (Excerpts for AP/ADMS2400). Includes Chapters 2 and 7 from Fundamentals of Organizational Behaviour, 3rd Canadian Edition. McGraw-Hill Ryerson Ltd. Canada.
• Connect: Enclosed with the packet is a Connect Access Card to on-line password protected resources provided by the publisher. To register, go to For more details about this website, see the “Additional Information/Notes” section below on this outline.
Hoffman & Ruemper, Organizational Behaviour: Canadian Cases and Exercises, 7th Edition, Captus Press Inc.
No Course Kit Required
Note: Photocopying more than 10% of a textbook is illegal, and may involve penalties. Do not duplicate textbooks or obtain these photocopies
Detailed Course Outline
|Week |Topic |Readings |
|1 |Introduction |Colquitt Ch. 1 |
| |What is Organizational Behaviour? | |
| |Integrative model of OB |Casebook: Purpose and Analysis of Case
Links: The deferred examinations for the Summer 2012 term shall be held in the period September 28 - 30, 2012.