According to a recent report/survey by, 70 percent of small businesses cite Obamacare as a major obstacle to job creation. USA Today and the Wall Street Journal have reported that many businesses plan to bring on more part-time workers next year, trim the …show more content…
Because they believe that we should have full coverage when we get into a car accident or end up having cancer. Before the ACA, insurance companies would, pretty routinely, cancel policies when people got sick. This is called rescission, and basically it meant they could pay into a policy for years, and then when you got into a car accident or found out you had cancer, it would disappear (“10 reasons Not To Repeal Obamacare”). It is not fair that we think we are paying year after year for something, hoping to get the results we want, only to find out that when we get cancer or get in a car crash, we don’t get full coverage. Most people argue saying “Oh we should repeal ObamaCare! It’s bad for us!” Meanwhile, on the other hand, we have people who are arguing and saying “Please don’t take away our only insurance we can afford!” ObamaCare has almost nothing to do with President Obama; he signed the bill into law. The law is really called the Affordable Care Act and is a bipartisan health care reform law that helps the majority of Americans in countless