Obesity among Thai Children
The numbers of obese children in Thailand are wondering! Refer to the World Health Organization report, Thailand is appropriate example of obesity problem. The obesity among Thai children, ages 5 to 12 in year 2004 – 2006 to nearly 16 percent – 4 percent increase from only a couple of years ago, or are rage to 1 million people1. It mentions that, the obesity trend in Thai children growth up faster than other countries in Asia. Obesity problem has effected to Thai children for the past decade. It becomes a serious public health problem. Associated with the research of Ladda Morhsuwan, MD, Faculty of Medicine Prince Songkla University, she has been researched 1,373 children in Tessabarn Had Yai School. She found that the rates of overweight children are 11.5 percent. Moreover this statistic is higher than Japan. Ladda mentioned to the cause of problem, it is the way of life in urbanization. Children always spend more time watching television, playing video games and computer, and in the same time, they are snacking junk food together2. It is the same opinion with Bhonchita chaiumnuai, MD, Faculty of Medicine Phramongkutklao Hospital. She blamed to the children and teens have less activity to do in each day, so they lack of exercise2. However from many ideas of researcher, it can conclude that the factors which effect to obese problem among Thai children are eating habit, way of life and technologies.
Eating habit is the primary cause of obese in children. Children always eat wrong proportion of nutrient, and eat more than necessity. Moreover the Thai eating habit is replaced by western eating habit for example; they eat spaghetti or pizza in the fast food shop instead of eats mackerel chili sauce with vegetable stream at home. So they will face with overweight problem, and finally they become the obese children. And today many children are snacking on Western junk food especially in school. You can