National Cancer Institute The American Cancer Society The PubMed Data base
Obesity increases the risk of diabetes, hypertension, high blood cholesterol, coronary heart disease, stroke, arthritis and many more.…
Obesity is a health condition when an excess of body fat has an adverse effect on the body.…
“Obesity is an abnormal accumulation of body fat, usually 20% or more over an individual's ideal body weight. Obesity is associated with increased risk of illness, disability, and death.” []…
People are likely to be affected by obesity and weight gain Due to the consumption of excess amounts of cholesterol, saturated fat and Tran’s fat in the diet. Fat and obesity are usually measured by the body mass index (BMI) formula and waist circumference. Heart disease and other health problems are generally caused by excess fat, usually around the waist.…
a) Nathan Seppa’s article, “Obesity linked to pancreatic cancer (2001), states that obesity is a major risk and is linked to the development of pancreatic cancer.…
1. Obesity predisposes an individual to physical illness. When you are obese, you are more prone to heart disease, cancer, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and stroke.…
Obesity is not just a cosmetic problem; it is highly hazardous to one’s health! Related obesity conditions include, but are not limited to heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, arthritis, decreased energy, depression and certain types of cancer and kidney disease. Obesity is linked to high blood pressure. Since fat tissue requires oxygen and nutrients, meaning that the blood must circulate more through their vessels to accommodate the extra weight. New blood vessels are actually created to reach fat tissues too! Most times, a diet high in sodium leads to obesity, which also is a contributor to high blood pressure. High blood pressure is the leading cause for heart disease and stroke. Diabetes is developed when a person is obese because having extra fat cells causes a person’s body to build a resistance to insulin, the hormone that regulates blood sugar.…
Obesity, a medical condition in which excess body fat can grow to have a negative effect on the human body and cause long term health problems, affects more than 35 percent of adults along with 17 percent of adolescents (“How many people are affected by/at risk for obesity & overweight”). America is one of many obese countries all over the world. It is an enfeeble health condition that can lead to respiratory problems, Type two diabetes, Gallbladder disease, Stroke/heart attack, Osteoarthritis, and can even result in some forms of cancer ("Obesity - Health Risks of Obesity"). According to National Center for Health Statistics, obesity has grown significantly among adults in the United States over the past twenty years. For many reasons, it is bad enough to have to live with this disorder, but the fact that it is life threatening only makes matters worse. Obesity is affecting a significant amount of people and it has just now became an issue in 2013, little was known about the idea of being extremely overweight but as America becomes more and more advanced everything starts to change.…
This data is alarming and shows that obesity has the potential to wreck enormous havoc on our already much-debated and scrutinized health care system over the next few decades. Some of the leading causes of preventable death in America are related to complications from obesity, including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke and certain types of cancer, most specifically breast and colon. Obesity also contributes to a host of other ailments, including coronary heart disease,…
Obesity is a condition that is associated with having an excess of body fat, defined by genetic and environmental factors that are difficult to control when dieting. Obesity is classified as having a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 30 or greater. BMI is a tool used to measure obesity. Obesity increases your risk of developing related conditions such as diabetes, hypertension and sleep .Obesity is a complex, multifactorial, and chronic disease that requires a comprehensive medical approach to care. It is the second leading preventable cause of death in the U.S., and is associated with a large number of co-morbid conditions. Care should therefore not be seen as simply having the goal of reducing body weight, but should additionally be focused on improving overall health and quality of life, to name a few. Many individuals are affected by obesity and are not aware of it.…
Heart disease, type-2 diabetes and cancer are all diseases linked to obesity. Heart disease may be linked to obesity because an obese person has more body mass; therefore they have more blood, and a larger area that the blood needs to circulate through. This puts pressure on the heart to pump harder, and it strains the heart, leading to heart disease. Type-2 diabetes may be linked to obesity because often obese people consume large amounts of sugar. The body then tries to balance the blood sugar levels by overproducing insulin. Since the body is trying to produce so much insulin, it develops a resistance to insulin, or it cannot produce the right amount of insulin to correct the blood sugar levels. Cancer may be linked to obesity because an obese person would have more body mass, so they would have more cells in their body, and a higher chance of mutation among those cells. Cancer also may be…
Obesity is the term that describes those who have too much body fat or a high Body Mass Index (BMI). Obesity has become an epidemic in the United States, causing health crises among various age groups from young children to adults. Obesity is the culprit behind illnesses such as diabetes, high blood pressure most importantly, heart conditions.…
What is obesity? Obesity is when there is too much stored in the body's fatty tissues. When the excess amount of fatty tissues increases, there is a corresponding increase to other medical risk as well. Some of these medical risks have the possibility to be life threatening. The cause of overweight conditions is when the energy intake from foods in greater than what the body needs. The excess is turned into fat cells and stored in the body. The amount of excess energy intake is very small but over time can add up to cause the overweight condition. By the lack of exercise, healthy eating habits, or knowledge is the reason why so many people are obese. It is a major problem with it affecting children as well as adults. In the US alone it has been calculated that 1 out of 3 kids is considered overweight or obese and in adults more than two-thirds of…
Being extremely obese means that it is more likely to have health problems related to your weight. Factors that might affect…
One may argue that obesity is a disease because, like any other disease, it can interfere with the body not functioning properly. An excess amount of fat tissues will cause the overproduction of bodily molecules and mediators which contribute to abnormal regulation of food consumption and energy levels (American Medical Association). As being a problem with genetics, Albert J. Stunkard, MD states that studies have proven that inheriting obesity is…