Obesity is a problem in contemporary society because of the rising numbers of people that are classed as being obese. If a person’s Body Mass Index (BMI) is between 30-40 this is classed as being obese (National Health Service [NHS], 2012). 23.9% of women and 22.1% of the men in the UK are obese (Hall, 2012). Obesity can cause many physical and mental health problems, thereby incurring costs to the NHS. This essay will address how and to what extent diet is a contributing factor to increasing levels of obesity in the UK. Other factors to be considered will include physical exercise …show more content…
There are many factors affecting why society do not eat a healthy diet. Current government guidance recommends the consumption of five portions of fruit and vegetables a day (Food Standards Agency, 2006) However, in 2011 only 24% of men and 29% of women consumed the recommended five a day (27% of adults aged 16 and over). 15% of 5 to 15 year old boys and 20% of girls of the same age consumed five or more daily portions (NHS A, 2013).
Although education is very important in helping people to understand what a healthy diet is, it is much more complicated than that. The availability and cost of ‘fast food’ has made it very easy for people to choose less healthy options. ‘Fast food’ is cheap and readily available and there are often promotions which make buying it more appealing than home cooking. Many of these promotions are directly aimed at children, therefore contributing to the obesity problem. Offering toys alongside the meal is going to make the child want to eat that …show more content…
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