It’s become common knowledge that the US has a problem with the condition of being overweight or suffering from obesity. Today seven in ten people in the United States are currently suffering from the aforementioned conditions. If this statistic wasn’t shocking enough by itself “only 36 percent think they have a weight…
The epidemic of obesity seems to have happened over night. Over a period of a few decades individuals in the United States witnessed massive weight gains across the entire nation. Obesity stems from individuals failing to implement personal controls by abstaining from unhealthy foods and ingredients, psychological problems relating to food intake and dependence, as well as failures to remain active and exercise. Current obesity rates around the country average at 30 percent, and have the potential to rise to 50 if serious interventions do not take place. Individual health issues are not the only thing at stake with this epidemic. Obese individuals have more health problems over their lifespan than individuals who maintain recommended weights, and therefore require more healthcare spending and resources. These demands on the healthcare system cause higher premiums for everyone in an insurance group whether private or government sponsored. Valuable healthcare resources are also used up in the process resulting in a diminished quality of care due to the inability to meet the demand. This paper will show attempted successful and unsuccessful public health interventions at the local and federal level to combat obesity with reliable resources such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and research from the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). Other resources examined come from local and federal programs directly from their sponsored sites. The valuable research in this paper shows empirical evidence that obesity may be significantly diminished by community involvement, greater recognition and awareness, and higher amounts of funding towards public health related programs.…
America - Land of the Free, home of the obese? As our country wages war against terrorism overseas, another domestic battle is taking place: the battle against fat. At the turn of the millennium, an estimated 64 percent of American adults were either overweight or obese (CDC). This unsettling statistic reveals the fact that the United States' proud citizens have trouble digesting, that we are the fattest country on the planet. In today's society, technological advances allow us to go about daily life with the least possible amount of physical exertion. Combine that with an infinite supply of cheap, delicious, and high-calorie food and it adds up to a problem of "supersized" proportion. It became official in 2000 when U.S. Surgeon General David…
According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, obesity in adults has increased by 50% within the past several decades and in children it has tripled. More than 72 million people and 17% of children are obese. Obesity is a contributing cause of many other health problems such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes, some types of cancer, sleep apnea, breathing problems and make activity more difficult. America is home to the most obese people in the world and even though we are one of the most industrialized nations with great economic power and amazing technology, we are also living in a country with the smallest nutritional…
Obesity is an epidemic. According to an article, titled, An Epidemic of Obesity: U.S. Obesity Trends, obesity in adults was less than fifteen percent in 1990, and in 2010 that rate increased to twenty-five percent. The obesity rate has doubled for adults and has even tripled for children. The Office of the Surgeon…
It remains one of the biggest problems in American society and requires a careful, systematic but also immediate solution. Americans are some of the least healthy people in the entire country. The obesity epidemic affects millions of people in the United States. Sadly, enough obesity is a problem that affects everybody, not just adults. Obesity has increased in the past decade, predominantly with people who eat poorly; this is so sad. You may not notice it, but, weeks turn into months and months turn into years and the next thing you know your clothes don’t fit the way they used to and the entire time you never even noticed yourself gaining weight.…
Just thinking about unhealthy food makes most Americans mouth water. Obesity in the U.S has become a huge problem in recent years. America's obesity epidemic has hit a new high with 35 percent of obesity among men and 40.4 percent among women in 2013-2014. Most Americans feel embarrassed to even walk next to an obese person or even go near them without feeling claustrophobic. Obese people are an embarrassment to society and are making America look like an unhealthy place to live.…
Obesity in the United States costs the healthcare industry, insurance companies and individuals billions of dollars per year in preventable related ailments and illnesses, according to Investigating Hypnosis: Increasing Health Behaviors in Very Overweight African American Adults; August 1, 2012. There are many reasons that contribute to Americans being overweight. The first reason is that Americans do not live a very, healthy lifestyle. Many eat and drink in excess, as well as eating meals late at night or right before bed time. Instead of meals at home that can easy be monitored for their nutritional value, fast food has become the popular meal of choice.…
In 1999, an estimated 61% of adults in the United States were obese. One in seven children was also obese. Obesity is the biggest public health problem in North America. It can cause serious disease such as diabetes. In economic term, the cost of obesity in the United States was about $117 billion in 2000. Therefore, North American Society needs to be aware that modern life can cause obesity. This modern life includes fast food, transportation and new technology.…
Nearly 36% of Americans were considered clinically obese in September of 2016. Three out of every four American men are diagnosed as overweight. Americans spend the most per student's education compared to any other country, and a majority of those find themselves unemployed. As decades flash by noticeable changes have evolved; leaving Americans to be lazy and rely on technology, controlled by their status of wealth and oblivious to real world problems.…
Obesity has been defined as a condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to an extent that health may be adversely affected. The classification of overweight and obesity allows the identification of individuals and groups at increased risk of morbidity and premature mortality.…
Obesity, a medical condition in which excess body fat can grow to have a negative effect on the human body and cause long term health problems, affects more than 35 percent of adults along with 17 percent of adolescents (“How many people are affected by/at risk for obesity & overweight”). America is one of many obese countries all over the world. It is an enfeeble health condition that can lead to respiratory problems, Type two diabetes, Gallbladder disease, Stroke/heart attack, Osteoarthritis, and can even result in some forms of cancer ("Obesity - Health Risks of Obesity"). According to National Center for Health Statistics, obesity has grown significantly among adults in the United States over the past twenty years. For many reasons, it is bad enough to have to live with this disorder, but the fact that it is life threatening only makes matters worse. Obesity is affecting a significant amount of people and it has just now became an issue in 2013, little was known about the idea of being extremely overweight but as America becomes more and more advanced everything starts to change.…
Americans are becoming more and more obese due to predominant factors such as lack of exercise, poor nutrition, age pregnancy, emotional factors, genes and the environment, leading to numerous health complications.…
Obesity in America is an ever-growing problem each day. As of 2011, The United States of America has the highest obesity rate of any other country of the world. What is obesity? Obesity is defined as “a condition characterized by the excessive accumulation and storage of fat in the body” (Webster). Excess obesity usually begins to have negative affects on the body and often causes health complications. The obesity rate in America has been on the rise for many years and will continue to only get worse if Americans do not take action immediately. Jeff Levi, Ph.D., executive director of TFAH said “Today, the state with the lowest obesity rate would have had the highest rate in 1995.” This is a fact that is not easy to hear and even harder to disprove (Levi). Based on polls taken in 2008, more than 50% of 4,000 people that took part in a poll said that they would give up a year of their lives if it meant they would no longer be obese. The same poll also gathered researched that shows the increasing weight of passengers on planes. Airlines have had to spend almost three hundred million on extra fuel to compensate for the massive growth in weight and size of passengers (Heather).…
Obesity is a major cause of death and overweight people has a big chance to get heart disease, cancer or diabetes. 10 % of the national medical budget is spent on obesity which is 150 billion dollars each year. We can conclude that obesity is a major health and economic problem for the American society and we have to struggle against obesity to create a healthier society.…