Child A went over to the home corner and picked up a brick and said it was a snake with a slight lisp she then came over to me and ‘hisst’.
Child A then asked for more water by saying ‘I want more’ and holding her bottle to me.
Child A then pulled up a stall and said ‘me sit’.
Child A then herd the doorbell of the nursery and said ‘mummy here’
Child A then walked over to a pushchair and started to push it with ease. Child A then suddenly stops.
Child A then walked with ease over to me again and tried to sit on a stall but falls off she showed some embarrassment and walked off.
Child A then walked around trying to find something else to do.
Child A then finds Child B on the rocking horse and helps him rock it and singing ‘see saw, see saw’ repeatedly with lots of lisps with the ‘s’.
Child A then follows Child B to and pushchair and Child B got into it, Child A then pushed it forward and backwards with ease.
Child A then gets bored and tells Child B to get out by saying Child B name followed by ‘get out!’ laughing as they do it.
Child A then places the same brick as she had earlier in the bottom of the buggy and walks off.
Physical Development
On research according to the National Network for Child Care, Child A is at the right stage with their walking, they can walk without treading on anything in their way, but needs some help with sitting on stalls and seats without arms or backs. Child A has ease with pushing things. They also can pick up objects without falling over and bends at the waist.
Communication and Intellectual Development
Child A is also at the right stage for their language according to the National Network for Child Care as you can understand most of what they are saying, constructing partly full sentences like ‘I want more’ and ‘mummy here’. Child A has a good imagination pretending a brick was a snake and hissing. She was also made good use of her langue skills when talking to and making friends.