Physical 0 -3
When a baby is born they are unable to hold their own head up however they will tilt their head towards light or noise within their first months. When spoken to they will react by looking at or watching you. As they develop they will be able to support their own head and wave their arms around and bring them together, the same with the legs. They will be able to roll from front to back and are able to fully support themselves when hands are flat on the floor. They may also be able to sit unsupported for a period of time with their back straight.
At approximately 9 months they will be able to sit unsupported on the floor without toppling over and may have also started to crawl and/or pull themselves up into standing position using the furniture around them. From this they will be able to sit down from standing position and may be able to stand alone and/or take a few brief steps. They may also start to feed themselves using their fingers or with a spoon.
From being able to take brief steps they will then begin to walk independently and sit on a child sized chair. They will also start to turn pages of a book, build towers using two building blocks, make marks on paper and hold their own cup while drinking.
At 18 months a child will be able to walk confidently and be making attempts to run, able to balance in squatting position, pushes and pulls toys/child sized furniture and roll and throw a ball, with attempts to kick them.
By the age of 2 a child will be able to run confidently, walk up and down stairs with the assistance of a hand rail, ride large wheeled toys but not peddling and kick stationary balls.
At the age of 3 children should be able to peddle large wheeled toys while steering, walk up and down stairs confidently, kick moving balls and climb on small apparatus and complete jigsaw