During this week I watch how Maggie's habits, the way she acted in class and outside of class. This was a fun thing to watch, I got to see a lot of different things that she did. Maggie would do a lot of the same small things everyday. I almost think that I learned more about her from these little things than if I would of talked to her for an hour.
One of the thing I saw with Maggie is that she would talk to the people around her, but she almost never talk out in class. This makes me think that she likes talking but when it gets to the point where she had to talk out to the whole class she gets a little shy. So I feel that she's more comfortable around people when there's a smaller group of them. When I saw Maggie in
the hallway she did say hi and I barely know her so she must just be a outgoing person to have saying hi to me in the halls.
Some weird things I saw that she did was that she always had her phone out on her desk. Maggie would always put it in the same spot on her desk also. When I saw that she did this I was think that she put it there because she wanted to stay connected to her friends and family. But she would always have her phone facing down on her desk, and she would never look at it. Therefore I don’t think she put it there so that she would always stay connected with people.
I saw that Maggie would always be doing something. For a lot of the days I notice that she would play with her hair. Another day I saw that she was moving her feet. I also saw that she wrote in her planner everyday so she wouldn’t forget to do homework. So does she have a bad memory or is she so busy that she can’t keep up with it. I think Maggie would always have to be moving because she plays a sport and she must feel the need to be doing something a little active at all times.
This week while watching Maggie made me think if I do a tons of little things that I don’t even notice. So this week I learned that people do a lot of little things that others can learn a lot from. From the observations I took I saw that Maggie is a outgoing person and organized person, who might like to stay connected with her friends and family.