Related Learning Outcomes
Learning Outcome 1
Legislation relevant to nursing practice
Effective working relationships and professional attributes
Learning Outcome 2
Sensitivity in interactions with individual patient/clients
Learning Outcome 3
Help individual patient/clients to make informed decisions during the planning of care
Safe and effective practice
How to implement a program of care that has been designed and supervised by a registered practitioner
Learning Outcome 4
Health and safety principles and policies
Recognising and reporting on situations which are potentially unsafe for individual patient/clients, self and others
The importance of effective oral and written communication within the team context
Recording, entering, retrieving and organising data essential to care delivery
On arriving for my shift I was informed in handover that Mr. X, had been placed on constant observations the previous evening, due to his mental state being in a poor condition the clinical team felt this was in the best interests of Mr. X as he had been experiencing paranoid thoughts and ideas and was a potential risk to himself and others. Within the Orchard Clinic there are 5 levels of service user observation, General Observation, Constant Observation, Special Observation and Seclusion. General Observation requires the floor nurse to be aware of all service users’ whereabouts and will make physical checks at intervals of no longer than 30 minutes on patients with this requirement. Constant Observation requires a nurse to be assigned the duty of observing a single service user for no more than an hour at a time, a rota is made up to cover the shift duration, staff have to be aware of the patients whereabouts at all times and no more than a minute should elapse without visual contact being made by the designated nurse. Special Observation is the most intensive form of psychiatric
References: The Orchard Clinic (2010) Observation Policy, Edinburgh. Scottish Government. The New Mental Health Act: An Easy Read Guide (2007) Retrieved November 26 2011 from