
Observation Report

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Observation Report
Observation Report.
As everything knows to observe is not an easy job, many aspects are involved in this process and to be able to manage these aspects we must learn from the experiences.
I have observed a class and I realized about many things that I will do in a near future. I always thought that teaching was easy. Throughout my life teachers have been teaching me many things but I have never wondered how they do that job.
I have observed 5 aspects in a classroom, namely; activities, use of target language and mother tongue, materials, behavior and topic.
I will start with activities. When I arrived to the school (Harmond hall) I was waiting for the teacher. When she arrived we talk about some aspects of my visit. The class started 10 minutes late but it wasn’t a problem. I have to tell that there were many activities in the classroom. She probably used activities that she has learned as a student or as her teacher experience, she gave instructions very well and the students understood what they have to do with those activities. Activities were very interesting and encouraged the students to have a good interaction. In the speaking activities the students didn’t participate, they were only listening to what the teacher was saying and they were a bit nervous about what to say. According to Ur (1999) the teacher must teach, firstly the vocabulary and pronunciation in order to rehearse and improve this kind of activity.
Another good activity was when the teacher made teams of 4 members and they were talking about what they studied in the textbook. There were talking but frequently they forgot the vocabulary of the unit. The teacher was helping them in repeating the vocabulary many times as possible, as Ur(1999) says.
Another aspect I observed was the use of language (Target language and mother tongue). In Teaching Monolingual Classes (1993). Atkinson suggests 'a careful, limited use of mother tongue' to help students get the maximum benefit from activities

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