In today 21st century Family dinner are seen as an everyday ritual, nothing exciting or important about this simple task because of the fast lifestyle and demand in society today people tend to take many thing for granted, for instance a family dinner is seen as an everyday routine within every families to satisfied the hunger, carving and gathering of the family during the day. ‘Dinner experience is one that not only brings the families together for sharing and togetherness, but one that also fullfills the needs of the soul’.(Munhall,2001:p98)
However after carefully observing this simple task through a sociological imagination and an anthropological perspective, I have realised that this simple task hold many value and purpose and why it is important to maintain this everyday ritual. I will demonstrate that this so call simple task can lead to many sociological issues such as Gender role and Social order within a cultural and family background.
Observation: My family dinner
My observation is about my family dinner that is usually held every few months; this occasion was not only to keep the bond between family members but also a tradition that was kept throughout generation. My background is Vietnamese therefore family is an important part of your life that why we have kept this tradition going throughout our generation.
My house is a four bed home that has two separate kitchens located inside and outside. The kitchen inside the house is more modern decorated and only contain a few utensil like knives, fork, spoon, chopstick, bowl and etc. This kitchen is only manly used for washing up the dishes and storing fried food, the main cooking and preparation of the food is taken place in the second kitchen that is bigger but simpler in design and is located at the back of the house where all our kitchen utensil and ingredients for the cooking is stored and hang. My family preferred to do our cooking