In the first instance, an employer comes into the employees’ work space and addresses 2 of the main characters. The employer is clearly dressed for a higher position (self-preservation) and she is standing upright about 3 feet from the employees’ work station and speaks in a very assertive, yet monotone voice as she addresses her employees. (Distance is at a social zone and her voice is neutral, as to not give away the good news she is about to tell her employees’) She is giving them an invitation to work at a very exclusive work event. Although the employees’ are surprised, they have to maintain a professional attitude in front of their superior. They keep straight faces and thank their supervisor for the opportunity (facial expression – masking). After the supervisor leaves, the employees look at each other, and without saying anything, shrug their shoulders, give big smiles, and raise their hands for a “high 5” (their body movements explain all their excitement. (+)
In another segment of the show, a girl and a guy are sitting at a bar chatting and having a cocktail. As they are sitting very close and facing each other (facial expression), you can tell that they are a serious dating couple. (They are sitting within the intimate zone distance) More of their body movement also gives away their close relationship, as he gently strokes her hair and she massages his arm (touch) as they discuss they day’s events (voice). At one point, she begins to tell him about her job promotion, trying to make eye contact with him, all the while, his eyes are wondering around the bar, hardly listening to her. He is clearly uninterested in what she is saying (eye movements and body movements illustrate this). (+)
In another scene, a girl is sitting on the couch reading a magazine. Suddenly the doorbell rings. The girl’s facial expressions: she rolls her eyes, huffs her breath are communicating that she is not looking forward to whoever is at her door. The guest ends up being an ex-friend and the 2 girls proceed to the couch to discuss their issues. As they sit on completely opposite sides of the couch (distance is almost at a very public zone), you can tell that their relationship is strained. As their conversation gets heated, their voices raise and their arms being to flail about as they defend their own sides of the story (many illustrators and regulators are the types of body movements used). In the end, they agree to continue to discontinue their friendship, as they were unable to work out their issues. (+)
A couple is seen visiting different churches trying to plan their pending nuptials. As they stop to talk to a priest about their interest in his church, they stand within a comfortable distance of each other – social zone. The priest touches both of their shoulders in a caring, positive effect way. The woman’s facial expressions show her excitement, and her happiness about marriage and wedding planning. On the same note, the man’s facial expressions and eye movements show that he is feeling the exact opposite of his bride to be. His brow is furrowed, his eyes are wondering around the church, he is not smiling and he’s trying to mask his true gut feeling that maybe he’s not ready to be married. (+)
The same couple is found the next day in their apartment again discussing wedding plans. They sit within the intimate zone distance, as the woman goes over all the planning she has done so far. The man’s facial expression shows that he’s just about fed up with wedding planning. He looks at his watch to show his impatience and his want for her to stop overwhelming him. In a very stern voice, he says “We’re going to Vegas. We’ll elope there.” Her reaction is one of defeat. Her shoulders become slumped; she has a blank stare on her face (body movement and facial expression). Without saying a word, she removes her engagement ring, places it on the table, and walks out of their apartment. (+)
In each situation, the nonverbal communication was very clear and concise, that even if it was your first time watching this program, you would be able to follow the story line. The characters nonverbal communication supported each of the story lines and made it enjoyable to watch.