The appealing characteristics of the ODI contact lens are the following:
Instead of debeaking, using ODI contact lens will cause no trauma to the chickens and also no weight losses, no reduction in egg production and can reduce chicken cannibalization effectively.
Further more, using ODI contact lens can also reduce the farmer's feed cost and bring greater feeding efficiency. A debeaked chicken can only eat if the feed in the trough is at least 3/8” deep. Chicken with ODI contact lens will not have that kind of problem and can eat feed in the trough at 2” or 1” deep which can save the farmers a lot of money on the feed cost.
The red tint of the ODI contact lens, causing a red-colored environment for the chickens, will affects the chicken’s ability to act out its aggressions and reduce deaths caused by cannibalism.
The unappealing characteristics of the ODI contact lens are the following:
It is hard to reuse the ODI contact lens. There are mainly two reasons. First, the lenses are harder to take out than they are to put in. Second, the melting point of hydrophilic polymer is close to the sterilization temperature and could end up with a mass of hydrophilic polymer rather than contact lenses.
The cost of debeaking a chicken is approximately $0.01 while the minimum price of the ODI contacts lens is $0.08. Although the costs of the ODI contacts lens are higher but the benefits are far more than debeaking. But the farmers don’t know the benefits. Furthermore more, the debeaking business has been there for nearly 50 years. It is hard to introduce a whole new technology to the farmers and convince them it will ultimately works and save them money.
2.In what geographic areas should ODI focus its efforts?
From exhibit 1 and 3, we know that south eastern states such as Alabama, Florida, South Carolina, Arkansas and Missouri have