Homer’s Odyssey is an ancient epic revolving around Greek hero Ulysses who began traveling home to Ithica after warring against the city Troy, Turkey. Journeying our hero, with crew encounter numerous perils including: blinding the man-eating Cyclopes Polyphemus, being transformed by enchantress Circe, hearing maddeningly fatal Siren’s song, and many more exhilarating encounters. Ten years pass during which time suitors try marrying Penelope but her cunning actions keep them at bay. She lastly is forced claiming “I will wed any man capable of stringing my late husband’s bow. Some unknown beggar completes this task then kills all usurpers present, revealing himself as the protagonist. Finally after a decade lovers…
Level 2: Why doesn’t Odysseus accept/trust the help of the gods other than that of Athena?…
Odysseus ensures his security and protects his identity while deceiving Polyphemus, thus displaying his true cleverness. Odysseus tells Polyphemus that “Nobody is his name,” (9,365) he uses this clever deception so the other Cyclopes do not go after him after he escapes. Also, if Polyphemos knew who Odysseus really was then Polyphemos would've treated him differently. Odysseus wouldn't had received the hospitality that he did. By being his witty self, Polyphemos stated “I will eat you last” because he liked his cleverness which was actually his decievence. Odysseus is in sense a nobody, no one cared if he was king of Ithaca. This was his lowest point as he started to lie more in order to reconstruct his identity.…
Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, “A hero is no braver than an ordinary man, but he is brave five minutes longer.” In the book, The Odyssey, written by Homer, we follow a mortal named Odysseus through his journey home to Ithaca. Odysseus faces many obstacles along his way and the way he chooses to combat them may make him appear a hero. Despite his obvious heroic qualities, Odysseus is not the hero you once thought.…
On his way home, Odysseus faces a plethora of challenges that extend his voyages. One such example that stands out is his ordeal in a cave with a vicious Cyclops. During this short but life-threatening period, Odysseus and his crew find themselves trapped in the cave with the beast, who had already “lunged out with his hands toward my men and snatching two at once, rapping them on the ground / he knocked them dead like pups - / their brains gushed out all over, soaked the floor - / and ripping them limb from limb to fix his meal / he bolted them down like a mountain - lion, left no scrap” (Homer 9 324-329). Homer creates a vivid image in the reader’s mind, using words like “limb to limb” and “dead like pups” to form an unsavory situation. The…
Odysseus encounters many trials on his grand journey homeward, and these trials teach him many valuable lessons. Polyphemus, pride. One of the first lessons Odysseus learns comes from Polyphemus. After outsmarting Polyphemus, Odysseus and his men are sailing away from the island. Odysseus then decides to boast to Polyphemus, saying “if any man on the face of the earth should ask you/ who blinded you, shamed you so- say Odysseus” (Homer IX 559-60). Consequently, Polyphemus curses Odysseus, praying to Poseidon to avenge him. This encounter shows Odysseus that pride can destroy even the strongest man. Another trial Odysseus learns by comes from Circe. On Circe's Island, Odysseus must be cautious and cunning to survive. After he has overcome her,…
Odysseus is not justified in his slaughter of the suitors and the maids because of his self-serving nature. Odysseus cares for himself more than anyone else. He believes he deserves the best, and deserves to do whatever he pleases. While on the journey at sea, Odysseus and his men are to pass the Sirens, Scylla, Charybidis, and the kine of the Sun. When they first pass the Sirens, Odysseus tells his men “only [himself] she bade to hear their song” (117). Odysseus acts very duplicitous when he makes sure everyone’s ears are stopped, while he gets to listen safely to the music, showing he cares more for his own pleasure than others around him. Also when the men are to dock on the island with the kine of the Sun, Odysseus only warns them once not to eat the kine. Once he finishes with his little warning, he prays “the gods to show [his] homeward way” (120), suggesting that even if all his friends die at least he will survive. Odysseus allows himself certain pleasures and advantages that he will not allow others to enjoy, These selfish acts show his lack of equanimity when making the important decisions a leader needs to make.…
Every story needs a hero. In the Odyssey, the characters face challenge after challenge and they had a leader that helped them overcome every obstacle. Odysseus was this leader and he is considered the hero of the story. He is considered the hero because of how he handled the situation with Polyphemus. His journey was dangerous and hard but he persevered through it and was able to overcome every obstacle that was put in his way.…
In Homer's epic poem, "The Odyssey," the protagonist, Odysseus, has spent ten years fighting in the Trojan War. Due to the gods' anger against Odysseus, he is destined to have a very long and difficult journey home. Odysseus proves to be brave because he overcomes both external and internal conflicts on this long journey home.…
Furthermore, Odysseus lathers his story with drama, thus further increasing his chances for a safe journey home. While a more modest man would have given a straight forward account of his plight, Odysseus creates drama by elaborating on his schemes to free himself of his troubles. One potent example is where Odysseus provides great detail of the sacking of Troy to Polyphêmos, yet he fails to mention in much detail why he is not home yet. Furthermore, early on in Book Nine, Odysseus makes it a point to add to his already burgeoning masculine identity: "Men hold me/formidable for guile in peace and war" (19). While not completely false, Odysseus manages to create for himself a falsely strong…
Odysseus cries to satisfy his feelings of loneliness and despair at being so hated by the Gods. When we first encounter Odysseus, he is sitting alone on Calypso's island, "weeping, his eyes never dry, his sweet life flowing away / with the tears he wept for his foiled journey home" (5. 168-169). At this point, Odysseus has been a prisoner on Calypso's island for seven years, and has an understandably forlorn outlook regarding his journey home. However, Odysseus spends every night on the island acting as a lover to the beautiful goddess, whom he even admits is far more lovely and tempting than the wife he yearns to return to. Though he pines for Penelope, his acts of constant infidelity show that his guilt is not plagued by his actions. He is described as being an "unwilling lover" (5. 172), but there is no evidence to suggest that Odysseus feels he is committing a crime against his wife. Instead, Odysseus is described as being "no longer pleased" (5. 170) by Calypso, which suggests that at one point Odysseus may have been very satisfied with his situation, until he became homesick again. It is an admirable trait that Odysseus so longs…
Odysseus is thinking more the first example of this is, (Homer The Odyssey, 16. 264-268) “Now, /so we could plan the slaughter of our foes./ Come, give me the full tally of these suitors-/ I must know their numbers, gauge their strength. / Then I’ll deploy this old tactician’s wits, / decide if two of us can take them on. /” (Homer The Odyssey, 16. 264-268).This shows how Odysseus is getting smarter. A step in changing is to create a clear agreement not just with others but with himself. Odysseus longs to regain his thrown and wife, he just wants his old life back. With these little changes and choices Odysseus makes will later lead him to success.…
Odysseus has portrayed courage through being persistent in every situation, especially when being stuck within Polyphemus’ cave in Book Nine. In order to escape the grasp of Polyphemus, Odysseus had to face the cyclops by stabbing its eye. Homer describes the moment of defensive attack, writing in Odysseus’ point of view, saying, “I drew it from the coals and my four fellows gave me a hand, lugging it near the Kyklops as more than natural force nerved them; straight forward they sprinted, lifted it, and rammed it deep in his crater eye, and I leaned on it turning it as a shipwright turns a drill in planking, having men below to swing the two-handled staff that spins it in the groove,” (Homer, 412-419). Odysseus has been shown to pertain the qualitative trait of bravery and courage because he did not go against any mere foe, he went against a cannibalistic monstrous giant that had more physical strength than all of his men combined. Instead of running away in fear, Odysseus thought about him and his men’s live, strengthening his mental and physical ability in order to face Polyphemus, the cyclops that can easily break him in two. Odysseus’ bravery in defeating Polyphemus has attributed to him the portrayal of a hero, for he was able to save not only himself, but his men that have survived alongside…
In the Epic, Odyssey by Homer Odysseus has to save his men and get them home. Odysseus is a modern day hero hero. He qualifies for the job because first he is brave, cunning, and determined. He made smart decisions and knows how to get out of sticky situations. Second he is brave and he is ready for whatever comes his way. Although the ancient greeks consider odysseus a hero epic hero, according Modern day to Ethos and Logos he fails to measure by modern standards.…
Odysseus is contradictory. For example, when Odysseus overcame Circe, she then welcomes her into her bed. Odysseus then says, “’Mount your bed? Not for all the world. Not/ until you consent to swear, goddess, a binding oath/ you’ll never plot some new intrigue to harm me!’…and when she’d finished, then, at last, I mounted Circe’s gorgeous bed.” This shows that Odysseus had the good intentions but uses trickery or unmoral actions, like cheating on his wife, to complete his goals. In the efforts to save his men, Odysseus does the unmoral and sleeps with Circe. In addition, Odysseus longs to get home, yet spends seven years with Calypso and one year with Circe. This shows that Odysseus is set on going back home to his family, but lets beautiful women get in the way of him returning. Odysseus knows the right thing to do is to try and get home, but chooses to find pleasure and stays with the goddesses. Odysseus has good plans in mind, but sometimes takes…