There Odysseus and his men kill some of the Cicones and took their food and wifes. Odysseus and his men killed innocent people that did nothing to them. Maybe he wanted to celebrate by feasting in other people's property. Another reason was maybe he wanted those people to know that they had won the battle that took a long time to win.“I sailed first to Ismarus,which is the city of Cicones.There I looted the town and attacked the people.We took their wives and much booty.”(Pg.75)
Now some people may say that Odysseus is a hero because he gave up his life to go and fight for other people’s freedom. However Menelaus said to Telemachus, “No one among our soldiers risked so much or had so much courage.”(Pg.39) he did not care about his family and all the people that he left behind, for this he is not a hero. But not everybody who goes to the war is a hero or that has that much courage. So as you can see Odysseus let down a lot of people. For example he let his own mother die. Odysseus even killed innocent people that did no harm to