An Anthology of Forbidden Love
“We always long for the forbidden things, and desire what is denied us.”
Francois Rabelais
(ca. 1000-3000 B.C.) anonymous. Oedipus the King
(ca. 425 B.C.)
Sophocles (ca. 496-406) was a Greek dramatist during the Peloponnesian War.
Oh Brothers, Why Do You Talk
Mahadeviyakka was a twelfth-century Indian poet.
The Conference of the Birds. The Story of Sheikh Sam’an
Faridoddin Attar (1145-1221) was a thirteenth-century pharmacist and poet from Nishapur, Iran.
The Wound of Love
Heinrich Von Morungen (ca. 1150-1222) from Germany.
The Divine Comedy. Inferno. Canto V.
Dante Alighieri (1265-1321) was an Italian author from Florence. …show more content…
Forbidden love or lust has played a role in society for centuries. Whether the works be religious stories, plays, or epic poems forbidden love is a reoccurring theme. In this anthology, the reader will find works of literature concerning forbidden love or lust in chronological order. The works span thousands of years, giving the reader the knowledge that the idea of forbidden love or lust has not changed much over time. However, there is also the idea that what may be forbidden love in one story, is not the same forbidden love in the other. There are different types of forbidden love, many of which are in this …show more content…
The story explores Oedipus’s cursed fate as he learns he killed his father and marries his mother. Unlike the story from Genesis, Oedipus’s forbidden love is for a person, not to taste a fruit from the tree of knowledge. Oedipus is also unaware at the love he holds for his wife is forbidden. “Oh god-/all come true, all burst to light!/ O light- now let me look my last on you!/ I stand revealed at last-/ cursed in my birth, cursed in marriage,/ cursed in the live I cut down with these hands!” Although never stated, it is obvious as to why this relationship is forbidden. Sophocles demonstrates a love which is wrong in many aspects, although not known to Oedipus until after he marries Jocasta. Oedipus’s life does a downward spiral from this point on as he realized who he truly