At the beginning of the play, Oedipus starts to uncover the truth. Oedipus calls for Tiresias to the palace to question him about who murdered Lauis. Oedipus says “together we will uncover the buried truth” (4), he says that if Tiresias tells him the truth they can uncover the buried truth. Oedipus then says “ you cannot keep secrets hidden in the dark” (5), he is saying that you can’t keep secrets hidden forever you will tell someone.
As the play continues, Oedipus starts to question himself about if his involvement of the murder of King Lauis. Oedipus starts to ask himself who he killed on his way to Thebes was Lauis. Oedipus says “ I’d rather be lost from the eyes of men than see myself
branded by such shame” (18), Oedipus would rather be dead than have shame. Oedipus says to the citizens of Thebes “Speak! It’s time for all things to be revealed” (23), he wants the citizens of Thebes to reveal the truth.
At the end of the play Oedipus blames himself for the murder of Lauis. Oedipus talks to Jocasta about a description of Lauis. Oedipus then says “it’s better to be dead than alive and blind” (29), he stabbed his eyes out with golden brooches because he believes that he is the murder of King Lauis. The citizens of Thebes say, “What brutal courage you must have, Oedipus, to erase the light from your own eyes” (29), the citizens are complimenting Oedipus for erasing the light from their own eyes.