In high school, lots of competition exists between boys and their claims, then girls compete with their grades. While Peter gives a good picture of how competition plays a role, he contradicts himself and proves himself wrong. Because of the striving competitive children, friendships ruin in devastating ways. Also, colleges teach in a way so as to help their students to understand the healthy ways to compete. Colleges teach to aid their students to work well and learn. Colleges, however, do have sport teams, more competitive than high school. Alfie Kohn, in “The Case Against Competition,” suggests that “It’s remarkable, when you stop to think about it, that the way we teach our kids to have a good time is to play highly structured games in which one individual or team must defeat another. (Kohn)” However, this competitiveness remains healthy because coaches teach their teams to lose
In high school, lots of competition exists between boys and their claims, then girls compete with their grades. While Peter gives a good picture of how competition plays a role, he contradicts himself and proves himself wrong. Because of the striving competitive children, friendships ruin in devastating ways. Also, colleges teach in a way so as to help their students to understand the healthy ways to compete. Colleges teach to aid their students to work well and learn. Colleges, however, do have sport teams, more competitive than high school. Alfie Kohn, in “The Case Against Competition,” suggests that “It’s remarkable, when you stop to think about it, that the way we teach our kids to have a good time is to play highly structured games in which one individual or team must defeat another. (Kohn)” However, this competitiveness remains healthy because coaches teach their teams to lose