“I also believe this.”
“This also is a belief of mine. This also may be untrue.”
Re-read the passage on pp. 104-106 that begins, “Here is what I believe.” For this assignment, you will compose an autobiographical narrative that mimics the style of Offred’s narrative on pages 104-106 in which she explains various beliefs she has that might be conflicting, but which she believes to be true regardless. What do you believe? What do you also believe about that same event/idea/person?
Here is what i believe.
I believe my son is coming back home from vietnam, safe on a helicopter flying back to base so he could come home on one of those fancy military planes. He’s ok, he’s not injured, he’s safe, but covered with the pain and sadness that covered him along with the mud and leaves they show us on those videos from Nam. he’s coming home safe and sound, filled with thoughts of watching his friends dying right in front of him.
I also believe this
I believe he’ll be coming home in a box, draped with military honors. I watch the TV everyday. Looking at the news channel during breakfast, watching the all of the names scroll by, the names of the dead. I shouldn’t, but i keep looking at that scroll everyday, just waiting for my son’s name …show more content…
Stuck in one of those damn tunnels that the viet cong dig. He’s tied up, forced to play russian roulette against his comrades because those damn viet cong are holding them up at gunpoint. He’d watch as everyone of his comrades is forced to shoot themselves in the head until he is the last one left. He’d hold the gun up to his head, he’d pull the trigger, and blank. It was empty, and he was alive. But then bang, his face is covered with blood as one of those viet cong fighters shot him in the back of his head. He knew he wouldn't make it, but he knew at this point, it’d be a slow death, he’d know he was dying. He’d feel the blood rush out of him, and then he’d blank out. He’d be