three years ago, it was very difficult for me to understand the language used by a young generation at the beginning. However, I did not have any problems with understanding the speech of old people and educators. I think, it was caused by the fact that they use correct English (in most cases), speak more clearly, and their language does not contain as many slang words and neologisms as the language of young generation. I also do not think it is something wrong with the language of young people unless it modifies and evolves as they grow older (that happened with my Polish language). I do think it is a problem that many adults do not care about the language: they break established patterns, are careless and lazy to check e.g. the grammar, not to mention that many treat you as you were an alien when you try to use Future in the Past Perfect Tense or a correct expression: “I wish it were you
three years ago, it was very difficult for me to understand the language used by a young generation at the beginning. However, I did not have any problems with understanding the speech of old people and educators. I think, it was caused by the fact that they use correct English (in most cases), speak more clearly, and their language does not contain as many slang words and neologisms as the language of young generation. I also do not think it is something wrong with the language of young people unless it modifies and evolves as they grow older (that happened with my Polish language). I do think it is a problem that many adults do not care about the language: they break established patterns, are careless and lazy to check e.g. the grammar, not to mention that many treat you as you were an alien when you try to use Future in the Past Perfect Tense or a correct expression: “I wish it were you