Old Testament Survey
Final Exam Spring 2014 Lecture #14
1. The former prophets cover the book of Joshua, Judges, I & II Samuel, I & II Kings
2. Know that the literature of these books is historical narrative
3. Recognize important features in the Former Prophets
• Jerusalem- spoken of frequently
• A king for Israel- specifically, King David- he is viewed as the ideal king
• Yahwist prophets- champions of religious purity
• A preference for the Southern Kingdom- Judah
• A negative view of the Canaanites
4. Identify details concerning the geographical structure of Canaan
• More diversity in such a small area than in most other places in the world
• More wars have been fought over this tiny piece of land than any other piece of ground in the world
• The location was a major trade route- you could get to anywhere worth going in the Ancient near east from its location. 5. Know that Reuben, Gad and the half-tribe of Manasseh occupied land on the east side of Jordan
Lecture #15
1. Recognize true/false statements related to the judges of Israel
• The judges were led by God to instruct the Israelite nation- they were not kings
• These were primarily men but one woman was also a judge, Deborah. (4:4-5)
• This book provides a glimpse of Israel’s history from the death of Joshua to the establishment of the monarchy system of rule.
• There is a consistent pattern of sin and repentance seen throughout the book.
• The overall time period of Judges covered at least 150 years. There is some overlap.
• The author of Judges is unknown.
2. Identify characteristics of “epic” literature
• “Epic literature of a heroic kind deals with military and romantic themes, giving details of both.”- The Expositor’s Bible Commentary
3. Identify some of the famous judges of Israel
Lecture #16
1. Identify facts about the prophet Samuel’s life
• The early life of Samuel (Ch. 1-8)
• The Establishment of the Monarchy (Ch. 9-10)
• Samuel’s farewell address