Not only has Nurse Witte met some resistance with physicians and has been presented with the need to incorporate dietary protocols, both in the absence of the home healthcare representative due to issues within the outside company. Nurse Olivia is in charge of the critical pathway development; therefore, because she needs the cooperation of all departments to successfully develop and implement these orders, the communication issues are her problems to overcome. Nurse Witte is expected to develop the critical pathways while implementing standard protocols from the physicians and new dietary protocols for patients going home on home healthcare without the assistance of physicians, dietary, and the home healthcare representative. Nurse Witte needs to develop a team of representatives for each department that needs to have input within the plan in order for the critical pathways to be successful. Nurse Witte should develop a team or community of nurses in addition to a representative from the physicians, dietary team, and home healthcare company. Nurse Witte should use an interpersonal mode of communication by presenting the information about the plan, collaborating potential options, and engaging those involved in conversation about what each department would like to see for the critical pathways plan. Interpersonal communication is the …show more content…
First, Nurse Witte should communicate with management to ensure that the management is on board with her plan to develop the critical pathways and to gain support. Nurse Witte will also need to speak with the home healthcare representative to determine if a new representative is going to be necessary in order to the develop her plan and effectively care for patients that could be effected by the lack of presence and collaboration during the time of the company moving and preparing for The Joint Commission. Due to the fact that the critical pathways effect the nurses caring for the patients and the nurses will be the ones who will be implementing the plan, Nurse Witte should communicate with some nurses experienced with the patients that she is writing the pathways for in addition to the physicians and dietary