Olympia an award winning documentary made by leni Riefenstahl is beautifully captured, capturing the true life of the berlin Olympics. Riefenstahl uses techniques in which we still use nowadays and creates art in her films
Riefenstahl and her staff didn’t uses very professional camera angles , only to improvise with telephoto lenses; though the results are often more dramatically impressive than the up-close-and-personal approach taken by contemporary TV cameramen. Riefenstahl added icing to the cake with a richly evocative powerful soundtrack!
The opening scenes capture the Roman architecture, the camera pans through a hall of perfectly sculpted human forms, capturing the magnificence and beauty of each body. And then, the statue dissolves into a German posing to mimic the statue and shows us the superiority of the German race. It often lingers on the human form, but often denying the viewer a view of the figure’s face.
Olympia, the film is a show of human strength, but Riefenstahl is able to complicate this, inserting the smallest moments where personality and individualism shine through. The way she shot this Olympics, the first one ever captured on film, is still the way the Olympics are captured today.
The way she captures the movement, makes people see it as grace and beauty in human’s .and The timing and tempo makes every event exciting, breathtaking. In this film, the power of editing makes many events which are dull to watch live fascinating and enthralling to witness. She uses a lot of slow motion making them seem like superman and uses extreme close-ups of parts of the body to show strength
Olympia is a document that is as entertaining as it is important. From the political intrigue and historical context to the well-crafted filmmaking and thrilling action, it’s a film that engages, more than just a strip of history from decades past. Olympia captures more than just what happened in the 1936 Olympics, it elevates