Omega can outsource all of the e-commerce related activities to firms specializing in those tasks. Omega can also bring in new employees with the required skills, either integrating them into work units with current employees or setting up new e-commerce units. Omega can retrain or redirect existing employees, which current failing employees can have a major impact on a business. Or Omega can combine all these approaches. Not taking advantage of the World Wide Web and Internet capabilities will ruin your market (ACM Digital Library, 2011).
Also what was discussed at the executive team meeting was organizational structure. The organizational structure from CEO on down will be undergoing change management during 2011. Another topic that came up during the discussion was matrix structure for Omega. One advantage of a matrix structure is that it facilitates the use of highly specialized staff and equipment. Rather than duplicating functions as would be done in a simple product department structure, resources are shared as needed. In some cases, highly specialized staff may divide their time among more than one project. In addition, maintaining functional departments promotes functional expertise, while at the same time working in project groups with experts from other functions fosters cross-fertilization of ideas. However, the main focus at
References: for Business Encyclopedia. Retrieved on January 28, 2011 from