According to the bar graph, there is an increase from 2004 to 2005 number of student applying for study loans. However, in 2006 there is a bit decrease and increase from 2007 to 2008. The most reason for the loans application is because they want to be independent in managing their financial which is 43 percent from the chart. The second reason which is only less one percent from the most reason is student’s parents do not have the means to support their study. The next reason is economic downturn where student’s parents retrenched and need money for other purposes where almost four times smaller than the first reason. The lowest is other factors which is one percent and the second lower is students unwilling to work and study which is three times higher than the lowest reason.
In conclusion, the increase in applications for study loans is due to a sense of learning to self-reliance among students.omparison of study loans that being applied among the students from 2004 to 2008 and the reasons for applying for study loans. The charts show the comparison of study loans that being applied among the students from 2004 to 2008 and the reasons for applying for study loans. Overall, there is an increase of the loan application for every year and the highest number among the petitioner, is the male students.
According to the bar graph, there is an increase from 2004 to 2005 number of student applying for study loans. However, in 2006 there is a bit decrease and increase from 2007 to 2008. The most reason for the loans application is because they want to be independent in managing their financial which is 43 percent from the chart. The second reason which is only less one percent from the